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"Nana~ I'm home! I brought my boss too!"

Tsuna watched with guarded eyes as the man who claimed to be their father scooped Ienari up into his arms. The man gave a hearty chuckle, before ruffling Tsuna's own hair.

His father's 'boss', on the other hand, had given him a friendly smile, who in return only frowned further.

Tsuna kept his distance, truly wary of the two bigger men. The only time he really struggled to stay away though, was when he saw Ienari fall out of a tree. He had been prepared to act just then-- run out and comfort Ienari, check him over for any wounds.

But his worries were for naught and he found himself fascinated when his brother managed to conjure up bright yet uncontrolled flames.

Tsuna was intrigued by them. And as he such, he attempted to try to summon some.

A tiny flame flickered and Tsuna found that he could bend it according to his will.


But there was a sudden chill that went down his spine. Alarm bells seemed to blare in his head as he turned to face Ienari once more. Something was yelling at him, urging him to move and hide his brother away.

And to his surprise, he saw Iemitsu's boss light up a single flame on his finger and place it on his brother's forehead.

Tsuna watched as a somber look crossed Iemitsu's face as the three eventually went back into the house, carrying a sleeping blond and oblivious to wide caramel eyes that stared at their retreating backs.

Tsuna would eventually learn what had just occured.


Ienari was never the same again. And everything that happened after proved to be too much.


When Tsuna was ten, he found a pacifier.

It had appeared suddenly, its faint orange glow filling up his room. The clear pacifier had merely landed into his tiny hands, the last of its light dying.

It was bizarre. After all, it wasn't every day where one found an object as strange as a pacifier.

But there was a normalcy about the whole situation. Tsuna could almost feel a sense of familiarity holding in it.

It was almost like...

Deja Vu.

*edited 13.10.18*

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now