CH1:A Change

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"Move, Dame-Tsuna!"

Ienari scowled as he pushed his twin down the stairs.

Tsuna shrieked, shocked as he tumbled down and landed at the end with a silent 'Oomph!' Nana, who hadn't witnessed the scene, merely giggled softly, before helping the boy up. "Ara, Tsu-kun be careful!"

Tsuna only managed a sheepish grin, before turning to his smirking brother and glaring slightly, though he looked more like a kicked puppy.

Eventually, they sat down and Tsuna poked at his meal as he listened to Ienari ramble on about how popular he was.

Things had changed in the last few years, and Ienari's personality had altered greatly from since they were children. Ever since Iemitsu's boss had sealed Ienari's flames, it had seemed as though a part of Ienari had also been sealed off.

And added on to what happened a few months after, he became arrogant and cold, always looking for ways to show off or torment Tsuna, a total contrast to the sweet and timid child he had been from before. 

But... it's not like I could blame him anyways.

Finishing his meal, the brunet left the table silently, only pausing to return the sweet smile Nana flashed him before heading to school. "Have a good day, Tsu-kun!" He replied with a silent nod, before Ienari began to fuss, which caused the housewife to turn her gaze back to her other child.

Tsuna didn't mind though. He was used to it. Making his way out of his house, he only sighed and prepared for a day of hell.

Another boring day then. 

There was a slight chill that went down his spine.

...I spoke too soon.

 He sensed a pair of eyes watching him.

But sensing no immediate danger, the brunet merely shrugged as he hummed a small tune as he continued his merry way.

...Though not before giving the hidden person a tiny smile as a greeting. After all, it would be bad to be impolite.


Reborn didn't claim to the be the World's Greatest Hitman for nothing.

Sawada Ienari.
The candidate for Vongola Decimo.

He felt his fingers twitch in anticipation. 

According to Baka-Mitsu, the boy was supposedly a prodigy. The man constantly flaunted about the boy, but Reborn himself was unable to feel a lick of talent from the way the boy acted. 

But then again, he did unlock his flames at the age of five...

Well, it didn't matter. 

Arrogance was always fatal, regardless of one's skill level. It wouldn't do if Vongola Decimo was killed by his own ego. The boy had a long way to go, the infant supposed.

Just then, Reborn was shaken out of his thoughts when the younger twin stepped out of the house.

Sawada Tsunayoshi-- younger twin of Decimo candidate, Sawada Ienari. The boy was supposedly Nicknamed Dame-Tsuna.

The hitman scowled, practically being able to feel the pathetic aura of weakness surrounding the brunet.

So naturally, he was shocked when the boy had looked in his direction and smiled.

In that moment, Reborn felt something akin to excitement.

If the one that has been dubbed useless in the reports can sense me, just how strong is the candidate then?

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now