CH16:New Bonds

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"Thank you for listening, Reborn."

The words came out smooth, and he couldn't help the surprise that painted his face.

Did he just...?

Harmony seemed to fill the air, both in Tsuna's words and in the dormant flames that lay sleeping within his core.

It left him warm, and he could only stare back at amber eyes, stunned. He was no doubt mesmorized by the lull of the harmony factor that he didn't think the boy himself even realised he was releasing.

Slowly, Reborn allowed a rare smile the cross his face, lips curling into that of a haughty smirk, yet sincere all the same. "About time, Dame-Tsuna."

He then left the room, gathering the remaining bits of his pride because god damn it, he was going soft.

But even then, he was aware of his singing sun flames, just as he was aware of the brunet smiling back.


Unfortunately, his good mood hadn't lasted long. In fact, it soured rather quickly with the appearance of two new individuals.

He knew that he hadn't been spending much time tutoring the actual candidate, but to find guardians in the short span of time he hadn't been keeping an eye on Ienari was... concerning.

It was two boys, he noted, playful smirks on their faces as one laughed laughed breezily. But even then, their physique showed a strength that rivalled even Yamamoto, an already exceptional civilian.

But then...

Are they actually civilian?

Reborn frowned, but as he scanned the duo warily, he was slightly impressed with the loyalty that seemed to ooze from their bodies.

Where had Ienari managed to find these two gems? And gain their respect too?

"My, well if it ain't Reborn, haha! Ienari told me loooots of things 'bout you, I'm just surpised you're an actual infant! I'm Rei, by the way." Rei greeted cheerily, his black hair looking sorely out of place, especially as he stood behind the stoic red-head next to him. He seemed easy-going enough, but Reborn could see the seriousness he hid in his blue eyes.

Reborn nodded curtly, before staring pointedly at the red-head. "And you?" He asked.

"I'm Kouji." Grey eyes narrowed slightly, as he stard straight into Reborn's eyes, as though daring him to challenge his intentions of being a guardian.

Reborn clicked his tongue.

They seemed like excellent guardians, really. But it was strange, and very suspicious. Especially with the timing.

Mukuro's escape from the Vindice was no doubt spreading to the whole of the Underground, after all.

It was highly likely that Rei and Kousei had ulterior motives for being Sawada Ienari's guardians. Being Vongola's guardians was like a direct ascension to mafia royalty, with  opportunities being handed to them on a silver platter.

He considered this, before turning to the proud blonde standing forgetten in the room. "Get out of my sight for a moment, Baka-Ie."

Ienari snarled. "You stupid baby! you can't tell me what to do!"

A click of a gun promptly made him snap his jaws shut.

"Go." Reborn threatened, eyes glinting with the promise of pain as Ienari began to sweat. He could see Rei and Kousei visibly restrain themselves, as though trying to keep their boss out of harm's way.

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now