CH21:Truth & Trust

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The overwhelming aura of harmony suffocated the area, and as sunset amber eyes bled into autumn red, Reborn could only scowl suspiciously.

Tsuna's entire demeanour seemed to change, straightening almost regally. And yet, his posture seemed to radiate a tired sort of power, different from the quiet confidence he used to wield before.

But Reborn knew.

This person was not Tsuna.

"Who are you? What purpose do you have here?" He asked coldly, raising his gun and aiming it straight at the not-Tsuna.

"Eh—?! R-Reborn-sama?" Gokudera sputtered at the loaded firearm being aimed at his friend but otherwise made no move to stop the hitman.

Reborn paid no mind to the varying degrees of panic behind him, staring straight at his target.

But not-Tsuna held a gaze of longing on his face, before it was ultimately wiped off and was replaced with an almost-blank look.

(Reborn refused to admit that the look left his gut churning with feelings of wrong.)

"Well, I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi, of course."

Reborn twitched. "Do you take me as a fool?" He drawled. "Others might be fooled, but I'm not. You're different from Dame-Tsuna, and you—" He shrugged at an irate-looking Xanxus. "—seem to know this anomaly here."

And the brat had the decency to smirk.

"Not bad, Reborn! But well... How do I say this... Ah... I'm actually Sawada Tsunayoshi, but I'm from another world...?"

The sentence seemed to end as a question, nd everyone sweatdropped at the almost-carefree tone.

Well, until his words finally registered.


Gokudera choked, turning a peculiar red as Yamamoto laughed, albeit it being rather strained and confused.

"Is this supposed to be a joke?" Reborn snapped.

"...I wish." The boy sighed. "Call me Sora, by the way. That's what I have Tsuna call me."

Now this had Reborn stiffening.

Was he the Sora Tsuna had said to thank?

"And... Xanxus can verify, I guess. Him not recognising who Ienari is should hold some credit?"

Xanxus scowled, but even he managed a miniscule nod. "You owe me an explanation, trash."

They pretended not to hear a certain CEDEF head collapse to the ground.

Instead, Sora's lips tug upwards almost painfully, before he reached out, placing a gentle hand on Xanxus' shoulder.

"...Are they doing all right?" He asked, deliberately avoiding the topic of explanations, instead merely wanting to know just how they had been coping with him gone.

In terms of both Vongola and Arcobaleno guardians.

Xanxus' eyes seemed to soften.

"It's still so soon after you..." He cleared his throat, avoiding Sora's pained gaze. "...They're still healing, trash. But the damn baby is now a six year old."

Reborn stiffened. "Baby?" It could've only meant an arcobaleno.

Sora seemed to wince. "Ah, yeah. The curse had been broken a few years back, so the arcobaleno have been growing again."

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