CH7:Falling Down

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"What are you doing here, bomb freak?"

Ienari's harsh words could be heard echoing from the front door. Tsuna sighed, setting his half-eaten toast down.

"I'm not here for you, crappy clone!"

...Wasn't he just calling me a clone yesterday?

As expected of Hayato...

Sora snickered slightly, making Tsuna smile.

Oh well, he thought. Better get Gokudera before he blows the whole house up.

At that, Sora snorted.

Understatement of the century.

"Good morning, Tsuna-sama!"

'Good morning!'

He smiled.

Ienari scoffed, eyes narrowing at Gokudera's friendly gesture.

"Oh." He rolled his eyes, as though he were disappointed. "So you're here for Dame-Tsuna? Should have known. I mean, losers flock together-"

The blond never managed to complete his sentence.

Amber eyes burned into Ienari's widened blue orbs, shock and wariness in his gaze. There was a clear warning in Tsuna's eyes.

'Do not badmouth my friend.'

And Gokudera couldn't say a word.

There was silence for a few more tense minutes, before—

"Tsu-kun! Ie-kun! Finish up breakfast, or you'll be late for school!"

Tsuna let go.

The conversation was dropped.


Gokudera left halfway through the day, apologies flying out his mouth at a rapid speed stating that he needed to refill his dynamite.

...and that was after banging his head on the floor several times, raising concern glances from several onlookers around them.

Tsuna sweatdropped, shaking his head at the thought as he watched the intense match of dodgeball, he himself seated safely on the bench.

He wasn't part of the game since both teams hadn't wanted him to join, despite Yamamoto's efforts to include him.

But Tsuna was happy this way too. It was a lot more painless and hassle-free, without anyone targetting him and him alone. It would have been a pain walking home with bruises.

When the school bell rang, signalling the end of class, the brunet could only frown as he watched the baseball star walk past him, with a smile that seemed too strained to seem sincere.

Hey Sora?


Did you ever find out what's wrong with Yamamoto?

You'll see.

Sora's mysterious response only deepened his frown as he continued to watch the boy.

And Yamamoto seemed to notice.

Tsuna nearly jumped out of his skin when Yamamoto paused, almost abruptly, before jogging towards Tsuna slowly.

"Hey, Tsuna!" He grinned. "I wanted to ask you something."

Tsuna blinked at that, before picking up his notebook and flipping to a random page, quickly penning down a response.

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