CH15:Stolen Memories

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There was a stunned silence, one that caused tension to linger in the air, just as a click resounded around the room. Tsuna only stared impassively, as Mukuro tensed slightly.

"Dame-Tsuna..." Reborn scowled, cocking the gun towards him.

"You best clear up this unless you want to get shot. I will not tolerate any suspicious history between you and a convict, not with Vongola heir's safety on the line. Not even if the threat is the candidate's own brother."

All previous efforts of being nice had been tossed out of the window, it seemed.

But just then, a trident materialised and was flung right at Reborn. It missed the infant by a hair.

...not that it would have hit anyway.

"Kufufu... " Mukuro smirked ominously, eyes lit with positive murder. "You seem to underestimate Zero and my skills. Arcobaleno or not, I will not tolerate you hurting Zero."

Reborn scowled, and his eyes shone with something akin of a challenge. There was fire that burned in onyx orbs, as though saying 'Try me.'

But he lowered his gun anyway. He would hear what Tsuna would have to say.

'Mukuro, stop that. Do not go picking fights with everyone.'

The convict wilted at that, and Reborn inwardly wondered just how much power Tsuna seemed to hold against Mukuro Rokudo, of all people.

Tsuna turned to Reborn. 'And... I'll tell him what they did to us. He deserves that in the very least. Unless you aren't comfortable with it, I mean...'

Sighing mutely, Mukuro smiled softly.

Decimo's brother or not, Zero would still be Zero, it seemed.

Something warm curled in his gut at that; knowing that his friend hadn't changed, not by a lot at least, in the years that they had not seen each other.

"You know I could never say no to you, Zero. Not then and not now." He whispered, then added in the next part softly. Gentler.

"And.. it's alright. If anything, it should be you who has the right to explain what happened then. You.. suffered the most amongst us."

Tsuna smiled again, and something twisted in Mukuro's gut again. Because Tsuna had smiled that smile again, warm and sincere. If not a little bit distant and distracted, no doubt by memories.

'Thank you. And... should I give Ken and Chikusa their memories back?'

Mukuro swallowed down the lump in his throat. "...Please."


Ken and Chikusa blinked when they awoke to a faint chatter in a white room.

Shock painted their features, and they seemed to take a moment to compose themselves. They were in a room with their enemies, after all.

And it's not everyday you see Rokudo Mukuro smile as he conversed with a mafia candidate too.

Ken was the first to recover.

"Rawr!! What have you done to us and Mukuro-sama!" Ken growled, lunging straight towards Tsuna, only to freeze when a trident was pointed straight at him.

"Ken, stand down."

Mukuro smiled, eyes promising pain if Ken dared to disobey. And luckily, he was smart enough to realise the warning in Mukuro's words.

His jaw opened as he started, gaze alternating between Mukuro and the candidate's brother, whom Mukuro seemed to be hovering over.

The brunette sighed. 'Stop that, Mukuro,' before swatting the boy away playfully.

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now