CH9:The Plan

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Tsuna bit into his nails, worry tearing right into the roots of his hair.

Sora... Should I be doing this?

Yes, Tsuna, for the very last time. You promised the Sasagawas you'd do something about the situation.

Why are you so scared anyway?

...'cause I'll be agreeing to anything he says?


You know what? Good luck. I'll come collect your body afterwards.

Well. Wow, thanks Sora. That helps soooo much.

He replied dryly, not at all bothered by Sora's careless words as he rolled his eyes off-handedly.

Sarcasm had become a usual thing between the two now. And honestly, Tsuna was surprised by how close the two of them had become. It wasn't everyday you got to befriend your parallel self, after all. Especially one supposedly five years older than you.

But here they were, he supposed, exchanging quips as they stood right in front of a hitman who had just arrived back from Italy an hour ago.

And apparently, said hitman was also in a grumpy mood. Briefly, Tsuna wondered what kind of meeting he'd gone to in Italy that could had left the infant in such a foul mood.

Reborn chose this time to sigh. "Speak up, Tsuna. Why did you want to meet me?"

Tsuna flinch at this, wringing his hands together sheepishly as he shakily took a breath and began to sign.

'I have a favour to ask.'

And even Tsuna could see that that'd peaked Reborn's interests.

After all, what would a meek, timid and anti-social boy like him want to do with a baby hitman?

Reborn raised a brow. Tsuna took it as a 'go on'.

'Could you please get Ienari to stop harrassing Kyoko-chan?'


'...No, Reborn. We aren't a couple. Just friends. But I'd noticed that Ienari hadn't been taking the relationship seriously, so I went to Kyoko-chan to check. I found out there that both Sasagawas had been threatened by him. Kyoko-chan didn't become his girlfriend by choice.'

And Tsuna could point out the exact timing Reborn had truly digested his fast signing, managing to decipher his shaking fingers.

1.34 seconds.

"So Baka-Ie was being a brat when I was gone, huh?" Reborn scowled, before levelling his frown into something more sadistic. One that had Tsuna shuddering.

"Well, Tsuna," he began. "I'll do something about him then. But. Only if you accept a request of mine."

Tsuna shifted at that, completely uneasy.

'That... depends. What do you need?'


A blunt order— one that had him rearing back in slight shock.

Reborn watched him expectantly.

Just breathe...

Just speak.

He opened his mouth—

And promptly slumped down when all that escaped through his mouth was a loud exhale of air. 

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now