CH20:His Pain

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Reborn and the others were silent as they watched the pale boy, the pulse on the heart monitor steady.

Numerous bruises lined Tsuna's skin, and it made Reborn's eyes narrow, his thoughts murderous.

I'll kill whoever did this to Tsuna.

And the others were faring no better.

Guilt and anger swirled around the air darkly. Each of the guardians blamed themselves, wishing that it had been them instead of their sky injured and unconscious right now.

But despite the heaviness in the air, there was still a certain someone who could not get a hint. "Ha, don't make me laugh!" Sawada Ienari sneered. "Dame-Tsuna's just faking it for attention."

"Why you-!" Gokudera started, only to be cut off by a violent flinch from Ienari that could not have been due to fear alone.

The boy hit the wall behind him, resulting in a loud thump as he pulled at his hair, blue eyes flickering rapidly between blue and pale amber.

"I'm sorry." Ienari whispered, almost inaudibly, and it was so out of character that it had even Gokudera stunned.

But the moment passed quickly as Ienari's eyes rolled upwards, and Kouji rushed to grab the blond before he could hit the ground and crack his skull open.

And yet, as Kouji shared a solemn look with Rei, it had Reborn raising an eyebrow. There was a nod of understanding, and the hitman's confusion and irritation only grew at their unspoken cryptic words.

Time's running out.

Tsuna... What will you do when he finally remembers?


"So... ra?" Tsuna awoke gently, easing into consciousness slowly as his head felt lighter than ever in a long, long time.

And Sora smiled gently, patiently waiting for him to collect his thoughts; he wore a face of professionalism, as though placing a barrier to defend his emotions against Tsuna.

But why?

He couldn't fathom the reason for this personality change. What had happened to the happy-go-lucky, mysterious and yet always cheerful Sora that he knew so well?

Because this Sora was different.

His eyes, though beautiful as always, were solemn and serious. There was a touch of weariness in them, like he were a veteran of war.

He was still the same friend Tsuna had gotten to know, and yet the Sora standing in front of him was like a stranger, for the very first time in months.

And for the first time in months, he also seemed old.

"Tsuna," Sora was the first to speak. "...Do you trust me?"

Tsuna frowned, because where was this going?

"Of course I do, Sora." He started hesitantly. "You know I do."

"Then... Then please, tell me about your... about those seals, and those men. And your curse. Please."



So this is what all this is about?

That was the first thought that came to mind.

Pure, unadulterated anger coursed through him, turning his vision an angry red. And for the first time, Tsuna was angry. Angry at Sora.

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now