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From a young age, Tsuna had known that compared to his twin Ienari, he was the eccentric one. Though, you wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at him; his looks were average. To some, he could even be considered rather plain.

Unobtrusive and nothing outstanding. But Tsuna knew, even at eight years old with a hand clutched around yet another textbook, that the discomfort he felt towards the routine ordinance of his world was something that made him different. It left him itching for something more. Okaa-san called him perceptive. Ienari called him talented.

Tsuna just knew that he hated it.

He hated how different he was, and how it made him lonely. He loved his brother, but he knew that Ienari would never be able to understand him in this regard.

Because Ienari was the popular one, surrounded by friends that loved him, truly and wholly, for who he was. They cupped their hands around him, holding him like he was something precious to be protected – and there was something so endearing about his shy and quiet brother with a bleeding heart and beautiful smile.

Ienari's friends loved him.

Tsuna loved Ienari too. He loved him with all his heart and was just as protective, just as thankful to be able to call Ienari his brother. But sometimes, he couldn't help but feel jealous.

Still, it didn't matter in the end. Tsuna had promised himself, right from the start, that if Ienari was ever in trouble, Tsuna would throw away any childish jealousy and protect him at once.

So.... why?

Why couldn't he move? Why was he just standing there, watching with wide eyes and hidden from view as his brother wept, begging for a saviour?

What am I doing?!

I have to save Ie-kun!

I... I have to...!

But his feet refused to budge. He was trembling, weak from the tremors wracking his frame.

The metallic smell of blood had begun to fill the air. Rei collapsed with a pained scream, limp and bloody as the man cackled on.

Ienari was crying. He was scared and crying and waiting for help, yet Tsuna couldn't do anything.


And... even Kouji, who had always seemed so firm and dependable, was beginning to look frantic. His blades abandoned, Kouji was desperately holding an arm out to shield Ienari from harm.


Everything sounded muffled. Rei's yells has begun to meld with the man's chuckles, until Tsuna couldn't hear anything but the buzzing in his head. This was it; the breaking point, the precipice – the beginning of the end. There would be no going back.

Time stopped. The world watched with bated breaths as orange burst to life. His brother's eyes gleamed under the light. A second, then two, a declaration: don't hurt my friends, before – stillness, silence, death. The flame was extinguished, and Ienari's eyes flickered rapidly between amber and blue, before he ultimately collapsed to the ground.

There was fury in the air, a looming storm. Tsuna could taste it on his tongue, static and tension, as the man bellowed, "COME OUT! IF THOSE POWERFUL SKY FLAMES WEREN'T FROM HIM, THEN WHO? COME OUT YOU COWARD!"

His white lab coat was creased from his outburst. The man breathed heavily, face red as he stormed over to pull brutally at Ienari's hair. Ienari whimpered, struggling to release himself from the tight grip.

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now