CH12:Burning Anger

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Tsuna ran, feeling his muscles burn and his lungs tighten with a pressure more than just from the lack of oxygen.

It was the faster that he had ran in six years.

And even as he tripped, a choked cry tearing out from his throat in surprise, his thoughts consisted of only a bomber.

It lingered, and flashes of green eyes taunted him, even as a net was flung down at him, holding him captive.

Desperation clawed at him as he struggled against the restrains, and was only an inch away from allowing his flames to lash out.

Thankfully, he hadn't, managing to keep them at bay. It was only Lambo, I-pin and Haru.

"Gyahaha! The great Lambo-sama has caught Dame-Tsuna!" Lambo cheered, laughing obnoxiously as he blew a raspberry at Tsuna.

"Tsuna-san! I heard that bad people have been attacking your school! Hahi, and we figured if we got to you first, you'd be safe!"

God, he didn't have time for this!

Please... please... please...

Let me make it in time!

Gokudera was next on the ranking list; who knew what'd have become of his friend by the time he found him?

And what made things worse was that their attackers were involved the underworld, so to say. Mafia and hitmen were not a joke.

Tsuna had to find him before things escalated, really. Because if they did, they would not stand a chance.

And perhaps that is why he felt something within him shift; desperation clawed, tearing the seams of something. It was only an instant, but he knew the exact moment that something shifted.

His flames sputtered, lighting up with a vibrant glow and flickered violently. Power thrummed in the air, leaving behind wisps of harmony and home.

No way.

He experimented.

Tsuna held control, even as delicate flames danced on his finger-tips. It was a mastery he hadn't seen in years.

But... weren't they...?

He shook his head, clearing it of thoughts. He could ponder later.

Damn it, Gokudera...

The scent of burning filled the air, as only remnant of the rope was left behind. Tsuna was long gone, with only Lambo, I-Pin and Haru in sight.

Wait for me!


He was too late.

Because of course he was, wasn't he?

Always too late, always too weak.

And even as he held control over his fire, he had frozen; like a coward, he had needed Gokudera to protect him. He had been a liability.


Why am I always so weak?

"So this is Vongola Decimo's twin? How pathetic. Oh well, saves me the trouble, at least."

The words echoed like static in his ears, fading into oblivion as white noise.


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