CH19:Into Darkness

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The family of four sat around the dining table, silence filling the air as Nana waited for one of her boys to speak.

But her proposed idea of 'family bonding' just wasn't working. Even when a conversation started, it was awkward and ended abruptly. So far, the longest talk they'd managed to maintain was about Ienari's progress in school. But even then, it was mostly small talk about trivial stuff, which contributed the conversation only lasting for a few mere minutes more.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, immediately accompanied by several loud yells. And anyone who was familiar with the Sawada household would know who was causing the commotion.

Sawada Iemitsu was not one of those people.

There was a fleeting look of suspicion and alarm on the man's face, and for a slight second, he flinched.

It would had been unnoticable to most -if not everyone- in the room, had Tsuna not been watching out for it.

This made Tsuna frown in confusion. Surely some loud yells wouldn't alarm the man that much? After all, with Hibari patrolling, thugs and actually dangerous threats to Namimore were rare anyway.

And Iemitsu must have caught Tsuna staring, because he hastily slapped on a smile, making Tsuna frown deeper.

"Why, I wonder who that is!" He laughed heartily, as both twins sighed.

"I'll go get the door." Nana smiled, before Iemitsu stood abruptly, chair clattering to the ground behind him.

"No!" He nearly yelled, before seeming to realise where he was at. He softened at the alarmed looks on his family's face, before coughing lightly. "I mean, Nana darling, you must be tired from cooking that feast for me! Seat down dear, your darling will get the door for you!"

He finished it off with a wink, making Nana squeal in delight. "How sweet of you!" Ienari gagged at the affectionate sight, but Tsuna was not fooled.

He narrowed his eyes.

He's worried about who's behind the door.

He's worried people will attack Kaa-san.

I wish I was half as observant when I was your age. Would have spared me a world of pain from Reborn.

Oh? Is that jealousy I hear?

Shush you.

"Well? Open the door!" Ienari rolled his eyes, turning away from his gushing mother in favour of glaring at his father. Iemitsu, however, took no offense to the glare and simply smiled.

He twisted the door knob, almost abruptly, like he wanted to catch the guests off-guard. And it worked. Gokudera and Yamamoto stumbled into the room, varying degrees of alarmed yells echoing around as Iemitsu's lips pursed slightly.

Tsuna, not wanting things to escalate any further, took charge. He stepped forward, and signed, almost hesitantly.

'Yamamoto? Gokudera? What are you two doing here?'

For a slight moment, there was a look of surprise on the two's face, but they must've understood eventually, catching sight of their friend's cautious eyes and the stranger in the house.

And the fact that Tsuna didn't seem to trust this person.

"We came to visit you, Tsuna-sama!"

"Haha! Yeah! Just wanted to make sure you were safe, Tsuna."

Tsuna smiled slightly, shaking his head without any impatience. His friends really were protective of him...

Yet from the corner of his eye, he saw his father frown from the umpteenth time.

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