CH38: Hope

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The man in the yukata frowned, beads of sweat around his temples as he re-lit his flames.

He had been at it for a few hours, focusing his mist flames on creating a body. A body suitable for Tsuna to inhabit again.

It was a shock, really; discovering that the brunet he had grown to love as a friend and sky was actually still alive.

"What's going on...?" Kawahira asked, confusion clear in his dark eyes. He had felt a presence - a tug on the fading sky bond he had with the one whom he had called his friend.

But it couldn't be-

Tsuna was dead.

But as his sepno ring started to glow, an ominous shine began to fill up his house in the dead of the night.

'The child is alive-'

Kawahira flinched, before stumbling to the drawer which held the sky pacifier - or rather, what was left of it.

"I- It's not...there?"

He collapsed into a heap on the ground, brushing a single hand through silver locks.

"I can't believe it... Tsuna-kun, you're.. alive?"

His flames began to sing, so did his heart.

It had taken two whole days for reality to set it. Tsuna was alive, he was still out there somewhere, no matter how impossible it was.

Why shouldn't it be possible?

Tsuna was the one chosen to protect the Tri-Ni-Sette. The same Tri-Ni-Sette known for their unpredicatability.

"...To have a soul but not a body..." He mused, eyes focusing on his illusions once more.

"Hang in there, Tsuna-kun. I'm almost done. Then you'll be able to come home again. You'll be able to come home to us again."


Tsuna opened his eyes, yet they were not of their own caramel, or even amber colour.

Instead, autumn orbs stared right at Lorenzo's chuckling form. The brunet said nothing and the man was the first to speak.

"Ara, S-O-R-A~ What a surprise to see you here~ Just when I thought that that...fool was actually speaking the truth~" Lorenzo feigned surprise, a sickly sweet smile on his face making several others shudder.

Hibari gripped his tonfas just a tad bit tighter. Where was the Usagi? Why had the carnivore swapped with him?

Sora did not reply.

"I bet you feel excruciating pain right now~ After all, your body was not meant for a power that transcends the gods~"

"..." White wings spread slowly and Sora spoke. "Why and how are you here, Lorenzo? I have killed you."

The mentioned man froze, eyes narrowing slightly.

"Isn't it obvious, Decimo brat?" He practically spat, making Reborn tighten his grip on his gun, still paralysed from the radiation.

"I am here to kill you and get back mio darling figlio~

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now