CH23:Crossed Fates

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There was not much in this world that could confuse Reborn, but this definitely took the cake.

He had a basic idea of where he was going yes, but appearing in the Vongola Mansion definitely took him off his guard.

"Reborn-san!" A familiar voice called out, footsteps resounding across the empty hallway, shoes clicking against marble floors.

Reborn turned as Gokudera Hayato turned the corner, hair slicked back and standing tall. Beside him were seven familiar figures. They were all aged a few years older than the guardians in his own world.

Then, Reborn noticed a stranger standing regally beside them, tall and proud as her eyes gleamed with anticipation.

Yet, even with all the tension and restrained excitement surrounding them, there was an odd aura of depression and gloomimess around them too.

The raven spoke first.

"Is Tsu-kun okay?"

Does she mean Sora?

"He is fine. This 'Tsu-kun' of yours is currently sharing a body with our world's Tsunayoshi." Reborn answered, rather bemused as the girl's face coloured.

It was then, that the atmosphere seemed to ease dramatically. Each guardian's shoulder sagged in relief, as though finally lifting a weight off their shoulder.

A guilt that was haunting them.

No, it's still there.

Reborn's eyes narrowed. Something was definitely off.

The crushing guilt is still there.

They're all ashamed of something, apart from that girl and the cow brat.

"What did you do."

It wasn't a question.

There was dead silence, as each guardian averted their eyes, fidgeting as the tension skyrocketed.

Eventually, the girl spoke up. "Well?" She drawled. "So who's telling him?"

Again, there was no answer.

The girl hissed lowly before sighing. She rubbed her temples tiredly, eyes ageing ten years as she addressed Reborn. "The truth is, we did this to Tsuna."


There were now telltale signs of guilt, even in the girl's eyes now.

"The reason why Tsuna even came to your world, was because he died."

Reborn stiffened. "What?"

At such a young age?

What was Vongola doing?

"And we were the reasons why he died in so much pain. I was why he died."

There were instantly sputters of protests at that.

"It wasn't your fault, Kat—!"


"It was only ours! You held no blame!"

Only Lambo stood for a moment, before running forward and wrapping his arms around the girl.

Tears filled his eyes as he buried his head into Kat's arms. "It wasn't your fault, Kat-nee. Tsu-nii chose to do that of his own free will."

And Kat smiled at that, although quite bitterly, as she ruffled Lambo's hair. "I know, I know. I just wish things hadn't had to come to that."

Then, she turned to Reborn, addressing the elephant in the room.

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now