End 1: Deja Vu

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She was interrupted.

Everyone stiffened again, including Gokudera and Yamamoto.

"D-Did anyone else hear Aho-dera and Take-nii call out 'Tsuna-nii''s name when they clearly haven't said a word?" Lambo was surprisingly the first to react, sniffling softly as he eyed the bazooka, which was sputtering and oozing green smoke.


The others nodded stiffly, not knowing what was happening until -

Seven figures ran, engulfing Sora into a tight hugn in turn causing Kat to fall as well. The said brunet's posture straightened almost instantly, weary autumn orbs flickering to each of his guardians.

"You guys...? What are you...?" His voice trailed off, getting softer and softer.

There was an underlying uncertainty in his gaze. What if his guardians still hated him? What if this was all just an act?

But as his younger brother, Lambo, looked at him with so much longing in those emerald gaze, there was nothing left to doubt.

"I..." His voice was subdued and he was barely able to get the first word out. Kat saw this and grasped onto the boy's hand tightly, an act of comfort. Sora gripped it back, equally tight.

She wrapped her sun flames reassuringly once more, as the two flickering flame danced along in the wind. Just that tiny action made the brunet steel his resolve, which in turn made those beautiful autumn eyes glimmer an even brighter shade of amber.

"I-I'm sorry. For being stupid and childish and whiny and- and-" As he rambled, his autumn eyes began to blur with tears once more.

He frantically tried to wipe them away.

Don't cry...! Crybaby, stupid, stupid...!

"Jyuudaime..." Gokudera breathed, the sight of his sky standing there healthy and alive throwing him completely off guard. Warm hands clutched onto his own tightly, almost as if he were afraid that if he were to let go, the brunet would turn into a pile of dust.

"Why are you the one apologising? We're sorry. We- We don't deserve your forgiveness. We should have seen it, your pain. We should have at least stayed by your side as... friends."

There was nothing but silence for a few minutes, before Gokudera smiled.

"We'll make it up to you! Once you come home, we-we'll go watch the fireworks, neh? And we'll even play baseball with the Baseball-Freak!"

Sora choked slightly, clutching onto the Vongola ring.

I'm sorry.

He let go of Gokudera's hopeful hand.

"I'm sorry."

Gokudera's eyes widened.


Did.... Did Jyuudaime not forgive them?

"I can't go back with you."

Angry tears began to fill the corner of their eyes. Only those who knew how the brunet's 'secret' clenched their fists tightly. Fate was indeed a cruel being.

"Tsuna-nii...Why not?" Lambo whimpered. Sora didn't reply, making the boy grow more and more desperate. "DON'T YOU WANT US ANYMORE?" He eventually yelled out, eyes searching his surrogate brother. A desperate plea as he trembled and shaked.

"I-I..." Sora stumbled back, eyes wide as he bit down his lips. Hard.

"N-No! It isn't that I don't want to go with all of you... I-I..."

Deja Vu - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now