Chapter 1

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What was supposed to be a good night turned into just another shitty day of my life. Absolutely fuming, I walk outside using the back exit of the club. "Madison, it won't happen again," William says, following me.

"You always say it won't happen again," I snap. "I'm fucking done with you."

"Just get in the truck," he says, grabbing my arm.

"No," I yell, attempting to pull my arm away. "Go back inside and get your bitch."

"I already have her," he growls, opening the door and throwing me in with ease. "Don't move or else you'll regret it."

He slams the door closed and I rub my arm where he grabbed me. There will most likely be a big bruise by tomorrow. I am half-tempted to make a run for it but I doubt I'd make it far in these heels. He has only laid his hands on me twice - once when he was drunk and another time when I accused him of cheating and he got really pissed. Turns out it wasn't his first or last time cheating on me.

Opening the driver door, he climbs in and starts the truck. I stare out my window, trying to ignore his existence as we begin moving. "Why don't you trust me? You believe everything your little friends tell you," he says.

I chuckle. "They didn't have to tell me. I saw her touching you and you touched her back."

"Bullshit," he says. "I moved her hand away and told her I had a girlfriend."

"And her ass just happened to fall into your hands?" I ask. "You're so full of shit."

"You know what? I'm so sick of your shit," he says, the tires screeching as he slams on the breaks. I quickly reach forward to hold myself back from hitting the dash. "Get out," he demands.

I stare at him in disbelief. "Are you serious? All my stuff is at the house. I don't even know where the fuck we are."

"Not my problem," he says, reaching past me to open the door.

I shriek when he pushes me out, my knee scraping on the cement. Wincing in pain, I turn to see his evil smirk. "You fucking prick!" I yell.

Laughing, he begins speeding away, the door slamming closed on its own. Looking around, I notice a man standing by a nice black SUV wearing a suit. He stares at me for a moment until I glare in his direction and he continues into the fancy restaurant. Groaning, I stand up and limp towards the wall of the dark alley. Blood trickles down my leg so I sit down and extend my leg while leaning against the brick wall. I have absolutely nothing - no money, no job, no phone, no family, and no friends. They few friends I did have were only friends with me because I was with William.

I can't believe I wasted over a year of my life on that asshole. When I met him, I thought of him as my knight in shining armor. Of course his armor had many dents and other flaws but he got me off the streets and I was thankful. He knew I had nowhere else to go and no one to run to so he thought he could get away with anything but I refuse to put up with it. I'm nowhere near perfect but I know he doesn't deserve me. All those months of him accusing me of cheating but the only one doing that was him.

Before I know it, tears are streaming down my face. Even though I needed the help, I never should have allowed myself to rely on him. What feels like hours pass before my tears dry and I fight to stay awake. "Excuse me?"

Jumping slightly, I look up to see the man I saw earlier. "What?" I ask, confused as to why he is talking to me.

"Do you need a phone to call someone or a ride somewhere?" he asks.

I furrow my eyebrows. It is rare for a stranger to be this nice. "No, thank you."

"Do you need a job or a place to stay?"

Something tells me this could go horribly wrong but what other choice do I have? I could go to a shelter but there isn't one anywhere near here. "Both actually," I say softly.

"I help run an... organization, if you will. We take in women and give them a place to stay and food to eat," he says.

"In exchange for what exactly?" I ask, knowing there is a catch.

"You work for us," he says simply. "You can leave at any time but there are rules to follow while you're there."

"What kind of jobs are there?" I ask.

"Everything and anything. They'll give you some choices and you can pick. If you want to change jobs in the future, all you have to do is ask."

"Sounds shady."

The corner of his mouth twitches up into a small smirk. "I'd think you were crazy if you didn't think it did. It's all about trust. You can choose not to trust me and we'll never see me again or you can trust me and I can take you there to see things for yourself. If you don't like it then you can leave."

"What's your name?" I ask.


"Madison," I say, holding out my hand for him to take. He pulls me up to my feet and I place my hands on my hips while looking down the alley in thought. Figuring I have nothing else to lose, I decide to put my life in the hand of a perfect stranger. "I'll go," I say finally, returning my gaze to him.

He smiles. "Good. I'll explain the rules on the way. When we get there, we'll get you checked out by the doctor and I'll get you some clean clothes for a shower."

He turns and I follow him towards the black SUV, wincing at my aching knee.  Once we're in the vehicle, he leans up towards the driver. "Bellevue Boulevard."

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Question: How many of my stories have you read? Which was your favorite and why? (My favorite comment will get this chapter's dedication.)

{A/N: After a month of trying to contact Wattpad, I finally got my draft back. I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think in the comments.}

All Rights Reserved © 2016 G.M. Garcia

This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the
use of brief quotations in a book review.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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