Chapter 12

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✳✳✳Owen Carter✳✳✳

The sound of someone banging on the door wakes me. Groaning, I quickly get up. As I walk to the door, I glance around the room, noticing Madison's absence. "What?" I demand, opening the door.

"Montano's men are here," Dominic says quickly.

I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Have you alerted everyone?"

"Yes. The alarm should be going off at any moment. There's enough women that know what to do and I made sure someone alerted Miles of the situation so all the kids will be okay."

"Good. Wait here while I get my things."

Running into my room, I quickly change into black slacks and a white button up, leaving it untucked for the sake of time. After putting on my shoes, I grab my gun and meet Dominic by the door. "Sergio just called and said that they're all on foot around the property. There was a rough estimate of fifty men but we can't be sure."

"How the hell did they get in?" I ask angrily.

He shrugs. "I don't know. We'll call in all of the guards after this shit's over and see what they have to say about it."

By the time we get outside, there are bodies piled by the door. A man runs around the corner of the house and shoots in our direction so we take cover in the doorway. Peeking around the corner, I take aim and shoot him as soon as he comes into view. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone running so I aim but lower my gun when I realize it's one of our men. "We think we got them all but we're going to do thorough check of the property," he yells.

"Okay. Get about twenty men back into the house for a security check. Don't release the women and children yet."

"Yes, sir."

I look at Dominic in disbelief. "That was quick. It was most likely meant to be a warning but for what?"

"Maybe one of Michael's deals," he shrugs.

"Probably," I mutter. "Go inside and look at the camera footage. See if anyone got in then try to find out where they got in at."

"Alright. I'll call you when I get an answer."

We both go inside where there are already a few men doing their security sweeps. I stop one of the men before they can walk away. "Were any of our men hurt?"

"I think one man was shot in the arm. The bullet went straight through."


Going down the hall to my room, I check every room and every space someone could hide. When I finish, I lock the door and check the garage. Clear. My phone buzzes with a text from Dominic.

*No one got in.*

I sigh in relief but find myself wondering about Madison's whereabouts. If she would've just stayed in bed, I would at least know she was safe. I know that everyone else is okay but not knowing where she's at is driving me insane. What if she went outside for some reason and the men got to her? Shaking my head, I dial Dominic's phone number. "Hello?"

"Are they finished with the security sweep?" I ask.

"Yeah. I watched the footage and the men got in by going over the walls. When they realized they were outnumbered, they tried leaving the property but we got them all."

"Good. Let everyone know they can return to normal. Get the bodies taken care of immediately. I'll go get Miles so he can patch up our injured man."


Ending the call, I make my way to the medical hall. The room is silent as I walk up to the metal door. Typing the code into the keypad, I open the door and enter the panic room. Sitting on the floor in the corner is Miles with Madison cuddled up beside him.



The whole situation kind of freaked me out. I kept thinking the worst but Miles assured me that the panic room was completely safe and there was enough supplies and food to keep us alive. I am leaning against him and he has his arm around me when we hear the sound of the code being put into the keypad. We all watch as the door opens and Owen enters the room. His eyes immediately meet mine then trail down slightly to Miles' arm around me. Miles moves his arm and I sit up straight. "It's over. You guys can come out now."

"Was anyone injured?" Miles asks, standing up.

"As far as I know only one man got shot. The bullet went straight through his arm," Owen answers.

"I'll take care of it," he says, exiting the room.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole mafia thing. I have so many questions I want to ask him but I don't think he'd answer any of them. Slowly getting to my feet, I avoid his gaze. "Why'd you leave?" he asks.

I peek up at him through my eyelashes before looking back down. "I woke up and decided I would come help with the babies."

He sighs and I finally look up at him, watching as he runs his fingers through his hair. "I was worried about you. Dominic woke me up and told me what happened and I didn't know where you were."

"I'm sorry," I reply. "I didn't expect anything like this to happen. I never would have expected you to worry."

He frowns, seeming to be caught up in his thoughts. "My day has just began and I already wish it was over. Would you like to accompany me to my room?"


"No?" he repeats.

"I'm going to help out with the babies then get ready for work."

"Forget about work. Join me."

I shake my head in frustration. "I should help with the babies."

"That's not your job," he says. "Please."

Pursing my lips, I decide to just go since I want to ask him about some things anyway. "Fine. But you have to answer all of my questions," I say.

"Deal." Holding out his hand, he pulls me to my feet. "What did you just hear?" he asks the nurse.

"Nothing, sir," she replies without hesitation.

He nods before pulling me out of the room. When we get into the hallway, he releases my hand and I momentarily wonder if it's because there are people around but the sight of a man with blood dripping down his arm distracts me. Looking away, I follow Owen to his room.


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