Chapter 2

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The car speeds past unfamiliar parts of town and I watch out the window until the man clears his throat. "There are strict rules that you'll need to follow in order to stay here. First you should know that women are not allowed out without an escort and no men are allowed in the women's living quarters unless it's an emergency or the men are supervised. There is a strict no drug policy so if you have an issue with that then you need to let me know right now. There is a curfew of 10 unless Mr. Carter tells you otherwise."

"I don't do drugs," I mutter. "Who is Mr. Carter?"

"He runs the place," he says. "You'll meet him eventually. Like I said before, you'll get a job that you must complete within the time given. Responsibilities and hours differ depending on the job. The new women have to work for two weeks before the can request a night out which will be approved by Mr. Carter."

"What do you mean by approved?" I ask. "He dictates every little thing we do?"

"You have to request a time and place. If he doesn't think it's appropriate then he'll deny it and you can choose something else. Or if you haven't completed your job properly or act out inappropriately then he can revoke that privilege."

I frown. "I thought you said I could leave at any time."

"If you choose to leave the house on your own, you will not be allowed back in," he says. "We have a way of doing things that has worked for us for a long time."

"So you guys can just kick me out whenever?" I ask.

He shrugs a little while making a face. "Not exactly. Mr. Carter could without reasoning but the rest of us would have to go to him with our complaint or reasoning."

"Why do you guys do it?" I ask.

He shrugs. "It began way before I was apart of it. Owen has his reasons but he chooses not to share them."


"Owen Carter," he says. "But call him Mr. Carter."

My mind races as I think about everything, making mental notes of all the rules. "So as long as I follow the rules, I'll be guaranteed a job, bed and food?"

He nods. "Yes."

I nod a little. The offer is irresistible - especially when you have nothing. "What are some of the jobs?"

"What do you have experience with?" he asks.

I frown then blush slightly as I think about my work history. "I was a waitress, cooked, cleaned, worked in retail and..." I pause, thinking about the last job but find myself too embarrassed to mention it. "That's all."

"We have all of those and more. You can have a quiet relaxed job or a fun and active job. This will sound odd considering you don't quite understand what this place is but we also have a strip club," he says. "If you'd like to dance or be a waitress, I can try to get you the job - anything you want. Or if you'd like to cook, you can work in the kitchen. We even have a nursery. It's up to you."

He's right - I don't understand this place, not at all. They take in women and provide them with basic necessities in return for their labor. It's so wrong but when you don't have much it sounds like heaven. "I'd like to be a waitress," I murmur. "I've worked in a club before."

He nods. "Since it's so late, tonight we'll just get you checked out by the doctor then we'll get you some clean clothes so you can shower before bed. I'll wake you in the morning for a tour and assign you to a job."

I nod before turning back to the window. When we come to a stop at a gate, the driver rolls down the window to talk to one of the men outside. "It's just me, Dominic and a new girl."

The guy nods before using his flashlight to go around the car looking through all of the windows. "They're good," I here him yell to the two guys by the gate.

The guys pull the big metal gate to the side and the driver slowly pulls forward.  As I look around the property, I notice men spread out across the property. They're all dressing in black and appear to be holding large guns. The driveway circles around a fountain where we stop in front of a large building. "I'll get your door," Dominic says.

Although I am fully capable of opening my own door, I decide to wait so I don't get myself or him in trouble just in case it is some unspoken rule I have to follow. He opens my door and I step out of the vehicle, quickly glancing around. "This is where I'll be staying?" I ask.

"Yes. Come on," he says, placing his hand on the small of my back. The guard by the door nods at him before opening the door. Once I am through the door, he removes his hand from my back. "This way."

I follow him to the first door on the left where we go through another door that leads down to the basement.  He walks fast so I don't have much time to look around but I can definitely tell this place is meant for the men. The furniture, lighting and poles located around the room make it feel like it's a gentlemen's club. We turn down a hallway that has a sign labeled Medical and he knocks on the second door. A man who appears to be in his early thirties opens the door. "What can I do for you?" he asks before glancing at me.

"She's new," Dominic says. "Run all the standardized tests and take note of her personal information. I'll be back with some clothes," he begins walking away but stops. "Oh, and clean up her leg."

The man takes a step back to allow me into the room. "You can sit on the table. What happened to your leg?" he asks, looking down at my knee.

"I was pushed and I fell," I reply.

He nods, pulling on a pair of gloves. "My name is Miles. Do you have any allergies?"


He grabs a few things before sitting on his stool and cleaning my knee. "Luckily you wont need any stitches but you need to make sure it stays clean while it heals or else you'll get an infection."


He puts a bandage on it before standing up. Tossing his gloves into the trash, he walks to one of the cupboards and takes out a small cup. I know what it's for before he even speaks. "There's a bathroom right there," he says, pointing to the door behind me.

"What's it for?" I ask, confused.

"Drug test," he answers. "And when you're done I'll draw some blood to test for any diseases or issues just to be safe. We don't want any diseases tp be transmitted in here."

"That wouldn't happen even if I did have something," I mumble.

"It's just a precaution," he says. "Most women come in here saying they're not going to have sex with anyone but no one ever sticks with it."

Shaking my head in annoyance, I take the cup and go into the bathroom.


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