Chapter 6

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Miles sits across from me, still wearing his and I am wearing a pair of skinny jeans, black Converse and a form-fitting black v-neck. As we finish eating, I sip on my drink. "Tell me about Mr. Carter."

Miles leans back in his chair. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything you can think of."

He takes a deep breath. "He's twenty-eight but seems older than he is. His father started all of this and left his sons to take over when he passed away. His brother runs the other building," he shrugs. "I don't know what else to say other than he is nice until you get on his bad side."

"I think I'm already on his bad side," I chuckle.

He furrows his eywbrows slightly. "He's different with you."

I shake my head in disbelief. "No way. How?"

"Well, a woman has never turned him down and he would never stand around waiting on a woman like he did earlier," he says. "Dominic and I both think he kind of likes you."

I stare at him in disbelief. He hasn't done anything to make me think he likes me. If anything, I figured he hated me because of my attitude. "Scared of a little competition?" I ask quietly.

He smiles a little. "If he wants you then you're already his."

My lips part in surprise. "Shouldn't that be my decision to make?"

He shakes his head. "Not when it comes to Owen Carter."

"You might all be intimidated by him but I'm not."

He glances around. "Come on, I want to show you around."

"Dominic already did."

He shakes his head. "He wouldn't have taken you where I want to go." Standing up, I begin following him out of the room. "This way," he says, holding out his hand for me to take.

Lacing my fingers with his, we walk in a comfortable silence. I look around, trying to become more familiar with the place. Just before we reach the medical hall, I spot Mr. Carter sitting at the bar alone. Owen. At that moment, I decide to address him as Owen. It'll be another way to put him in his place. As we walk down the medical hall, I find myself thinking about the possibility of him liking me but my thoughts are cut short when we turn into a different door than usual. It appears to be a waiting room but on the back wall is a large tinted window that looks into the next room. The room is filled with toys and toddlers. "What is this?" I ask.

"The daycare," he says. "Some women come in with kids and others have children during their time here so we provide child care."

Glancing to my right, I notice another window. I walk over to it, noticing children who are a little bit older than the others. Going directly across the room to the third and final window, I see babies in cribs. "Do they always stay here?" I ask.

Miles joins me by the window. "No. Their parents can bring them at any point during the day and pick them up by midnight - except the women who work in the strip club and tend the bars. They have until two-thirty to pick them up but usually their fathers will get them. So most nights the place is empty by midnight."

A woman enters the room to pick up a crying baby. Carrying her to the changing table, she begins to change her diaper. "Can she see us?" I ask curiously.

"No. It's mirrored on the other side. It allows the parents to stop in and check in on their children without causing any disruptions."

I nod. "So do you work in here too?"

He nods. "My primary job is working in the clinic but when I'm not doing anything then I come in here to help with the children."

I smile. "I'd love to help."

He glances up at me. "Really?" I nod. "I'll go over everything with you tomorrow but right now," he pauses to glance down at his watch, "I'm going to walk you back to the living quarters. I have a few things to finish up before turning in and I'd hate for you to be late."

"I'll find my way," I say, turning around and sauntering to the door. "Thanks for joining me for dinner."

"No problem," he smiles.

Exiting the room, I smile in excitement. Working with the children occasionally would be amazing. Especially since I don't know a lot of people and have a lot of free time on my hands. Reaching the main room where game tables and couches are scattered, I remember to turn left. I glance around, noticing Owen still sitting at the bar. My feet come to a stop and before I know it, my feet are moving on their own accord. Sitting on the stool beside him, I get the bartenders attention. "Bud Light."

Nodding, she fills a glass and places it before me. Feeling his eyes on me, I take a sip. His fingertips brush against my arm and I glance down to see a bruise. "What happened?"

"My ex," I shrug.

"How long were you guys together?"

"Almost a year and a half," I pause. "In the beginning, we had that crazy kind of love that you'd always see in movies but he changed. I haven't loved him in months."

"Why did you stay?" he asks.

My eyes meet his. "Same reason why I'm here. I didn't have anywhere else to go."

He nods, looking down into his almost empty glass. "You should get to your room."

Raising his glass, he drinks the remaining contents. "What about tomorrow?" I ask.

"What about it?" he asks, standing.


He buttons his suit jacket. "It's my turn to reject you."

I raise an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I won't be here," he says. "Maybe this weekend."

"Okay," I agree.

"Goodnight, Madison."

He turns away but stops at the aound of my voice. "Goodnight Owen."

Shaking his head, he continues walking. After finishing my beer, I change into something comfortable for bed.


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