Chapter 21

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✳✳✳Owen Carter✳✳✳

Following Dylan, I can't help but wonder what the hell was so important. But as soon as I hear the sound of a woman's piercing cries, I know it can't be good. "Get away from me!" she screams.

I burst into the room and one of the newer men holds both hands up, looking around nervously. "I didn't touch her. I swear."

"You fucking bastard!" Annie cries, mascara running down her red face.

"I didn't -"

Withdrawing my gun with ease, I aim it at his head. "Shut the fuck up."

He swallows nervously before nodding once. "Tell us what happened," Dylan says to Annie.

She sniffles, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. "He wanted to have sex with me but I told him no. So he forced me to," she sobs. "I couldn't get him off of me."

"You lying bitch," the man snarls.

I glare at him, still aiming my gun at him. He wisely lowers his head. I glance back at Dylan. "Go get Miles."

"He raped me," Annie cries, hugging herself.

I notice a small trail of blood trailing down her leg. Turning my gaze to the man, I narrow my eyes at him, my blood boiling. He drops his hands to his sides and turns to me angrily. "It was rough sex. She agreed in exchange for drugs."

"We don't allow drugs or rapists here," I mutter before pulling the trigger.

His blood splatters on the wall and his lifeless body drops to the floor with a loud thud. Annie drops down to the floor, crying even harder now. Still holding the gun, I wipe my forehead using the back of my hand. When I glance behind me, I notice Madison amongst the crowd but continue scanning the faces until I reach Dominic's. "Get a few guys to clean this up. Get rid of everything in here," I say before moving my gaze to Miles who is now standing to my left. "Take Annie to the medical room. And someone get Lily to go with her."

A few people move and I stare down at the dead body before me. There is now a pool of blood beneath his head. Miles crosses in front of me, carefully helping Annie to her feet. Lily appears a moment later and Annie clings to her. They exit the small room and I return my gun to its rightful place. Turning around, I'm happy to find that the people have been cleared. All except Madison who is standing partially behind the wall. I watch as her eyes move from me to the dead body. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath before opening them and closing the space between us. Her eyes widen just a little but I don't let that stop me from pulling her into a hug. "What happened?" she asks softly, leaning her head back to look at me.

"He raped her," I say softly. "All of these people here and no one stopped him. How could I let this happen in my house?"

She frowns. "This isn't your fault. It has nothing to do with you. You just killed the man - what else could you possibly have done?"

I shake my head. "I'm supposed to protect these women. Not put them in harm's way."

"How could you have known?" she asks. "There was nothing you could have done. Don't blame yourself for this."

I sigh, glancing at my watch. "I should get Bryant. Let's get out of here."

She nods before slipping her hand around to the back of my neck and pulling me in for a kiss. Pulling away, J take her hand and lead the way to the daycare. As we pass the medical room, I try not to think about Annie. Once we have Bryant, we go to the garage and get into the Cadillac Escalade. Every once in a while I need to get away from all of this or I'll snap. If I don't get a break, there's no knowing what I'll do.

I disappeared before. The pressure just kept building until I couldn't take it anymore so I snuck away and didn't tell anyone. I hid in another state for a month before deciding to return home. It was a time that no one speaks of because they know better. This place was hectic without me but running this house and being in control of all of these men isn't as easy as some think. I wasn't made for this responsibility but I can't seem to walk away from everything I've ever known.

Reaching across the center console, Madison laces her fingers with mine. I glance over at her and she smiles warmly at me. Raising our laced fingers, I kiss the back of her hand. Deciding to get away from the houses completely, I slow down and turn into the driveway of a hotel. Parking in front of the entrance, I look at Madison. "Is it okay if we stay here for the night?"

"Of course," she says softly.

Leaning over, I lean in to kiss her but she glances back at Bryant. "Kiss me," I whisper.

She smiles a little. "Are you sure you're ready to make it that official?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I think I'll keep you for a while."

It's meant to be playful but something changes in her eyes. I can't quite pinpoint her emotions but she leans forward and kisses me, distracting me from my thoughts. "Daddy, no!" Bryant yells from behind us. "She's mine."

We pull apart laughing and Madison turns toward him. "Don't worry, you're still my best friend."

Bryant grins at her and I unbuckle before climbing out of the car. The valet guy who has been patiently waiting takes the keys and hands me a ticket. I get Bryant before meeting Madison on the other side of the car. Bryant holds his arms out to her and she takes him from me. As we walk into the hotel, I spot a small lounge off to the side with a fireplace and TV. "You two can wait here if you want."

Bryant points to the TV so she takes him to sit on the couch. After paying for the suite with two rooms, I return to Madison and Bryant. The three of us go up to our room and Bryant annouces he's tired. We put him to bed before going into our bedroom. "Let's take a bath," she says, reaching out to grab my hand.

I allow her to lead me into the bathroom where she runs the water. Emptying my pockets, I begin to undress as I watch her prepare our bath. Everything about her is stunning but I don't know how long this can last. She deserves more than I can give her.


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