Chapter 13

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Sitting on the counter, I watch Owen as he takes something out of the refrigerator. Taking off the lid, he places the glass container in the microwave and heats it. "We're eating?" I ask.

"Yes. You said you had some questions," he points out.

I take a deep breath. "So you guys let women come here under the impression that it's some great organization but in reality it's mafia bullshit that most people try to avoid."

He leans back against the counter across from me, holding my gaze. "This is the safest branch we have."

I raise an eyebrow. "Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure this place was just attacked."

He rolls his eyes. "We handled it. My borther who handles the other branch fucked up one of the deals so this was their revenge."

"Who's your brother?" I ask curiously.


My eyes widen. "I didn't think he had any brothers."

"We're half brothers. He grew up with his mother and I grew up with my father. When his mother died, he moved in with us," he says then frowns. "How do you know him?"

"We dated in high school," I say. "It didn't last long but it was fun while it lasted."

The microwave begins beeping but he ignores it. "So you slept with my brother?"

"Half brother," I say, correcting him. "And it was years ago."

"That's just great," he mumbles, walking to the refrigerator. "Now he'll throw it in my face."

"What?" I ask confused.

"The fact that I got his leftovers."

I stare at him in disbelief. "Wow, I'm glad to see you think so highly of me. I am not sloppy seconds and I can't believe you just said that. At this point you can find someone else to play around with because I can't fucking stand you. You're just a selfish prick that thinks he's the king of the world."

Hopping off the counter, I walk to the door and put my hand on the handle but his voice stops me. "Do you want me to tell you about my ex?"

Although I am extremely curious, I know it's only his way of keeping me here but I don't want to stay. "That'd mean I care," I say before pulling the door open and walking out.

As I walk down the hallway, I feel the weight lift off my shoulders. I came here to start over and to get back on my feet. He was never supposed to be part of the equation. Taking a deep breath, I go to the bar and order a beer. When I sit down, I notice Dominic at the other end of the bar so I move down beside him. "Hey," he says, taking a drink.

"Hey. I'm glad you're okay," I say, accepting my drink from the bartender.

"Thanks," he pauses before continuing. "We should do something."

"Like what?"

He looks around then checks the time. "Let's play a game of pool to waste time then I want to show you something."

"Okay," I nod.

We stand up and saunter over to the table. I place my glass on the table beside the pool table theb accept the pool stick he is offering me. "I'll break," he says, putting the balls in place.

After chalking the end of his pool stick, he leans over the table and positions himself to hit the cue ball. The shot is successful, scattering the balls across the table and pocketing one solid and two stripes. "Stripes," he says, stretching across the table to hit a striped ball.

The ball rolls to the corner pocket and hesitates before falling into the pocket. Walking over the the table, I lean down beside with a smile. "You're good."

He chuckles. "Thanks."

"I can't win if you don't miss," I say, leaning closer.

Grinning, he makes his shot and the ball goes in. "I may have forgot to tell you I'm good at pool."

Chuckling, I stand up only to be pulled against Owen's hard chest. My eyes widen as he closes the space between us, his tongue exploring my mouth. It all happened so fast that I am too stunned to move but after a short moment I reciprocate, grasping onto his arms. One hand keeps my head in place while the other slides down to my ass. Pulling away breathlessy, we catch our breath. I am so confused by what just happened. "You are one stubborn girl. No one has talked to me the way you do so forgive me for not knowing how to handle you," he mumbles.

He tips his head back away from mine and I use the opportunity to glance around. The place is almost silent and everyone seems to be staring. Why such a public display of affection? Surely he could have pulled me aside for this. "What am I supposed to say?" I ask, unsure of what to do.

"Say you'll come with me tomorrow night. I'm going to the other house for a night."

"Fine," I say, removing his hands from my backside. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"We'll leave at nine," he says.

Turning, he walks away and everyone pretends to be doing something else. After taking a deep breath, I turn around to face Dominic. I watch as he makes the eight ball in, winning the game. "I think we've wasted enough time," he says, glancing at his watch. "Come on."

He begins walking and I follow him, noticing the people who glance in my direction as we walk. "Why did everyone have to stare?" I mumble.

"Owen isn't the type of man that is seen with a bunch of women. We all know he sleeps around but he definitely doesn't take them out in public and doesn't publicly display his affection. And he usually never sees women that live in this house. But even at the other house, he takes them to bed then they leave. He doesn't make a big deal out of it like he just did."

"Why do you think he did it?" I ask.

He continues staring forward, shaking his head slightly. "Haven't you noticed all the men staring? He was making sure everyone knew you were his. It's just so unlike him."

I frown. "The men are only staring because he kissed me."

He shakes his head. "No, they've been staring since you arrived but you don't give them the time of day to notice."

Running my fingers through my hair, I push it back away from my face. Attempting to push my thoughts aside, I follow him through a door and up some stairs. When we reach the top, we go through a door that leads out onto the roof. In the distance, you can see water which reflects the suns bright orange color. It's a stunning view. "You wanted to watch the sunset together?" I ask, glancing at him.

He shrugs, his hands in his pocket. "That was before the whole Owen thing happened."

I roll my eyes. "We're not dating. That shouldn't change anything. Don't treat me differently just because he kissed me."

He shakes his head slightly. "You don't get it. By doing that, he told everyone else that you were his and only his. No one will go near you now."

I've never understood how people can put someone on such a high pedestal. Not wanting to discuss it any longer, I sit on the edge of the roof and let my feet dangle over the edge.


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