Chapter 23

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It's about nine when Bryant crawls into bed with us. Luckily, we woke up before him so we got dressed and have been laying in bed talking ever since. "I'm hungry, daddy," he says, laying on his back between us.

"I'll order breakfast and get us some clothes," he says, looking at me. "Then we'll go to the mall."

Bryant grins. "Yay! Can I get a toy?"

"You always do," Owen says, rolling his eyes as he gets out of bed.

I chuckle, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. "Bryant and I will watch cartoons until food gets here."

Bryant cuddles up to my side and I turn the TV on. Owen stretches across the bed to kiss the top of Bryant's head before meeting my lips. His tongue brushes across my lips before he pulls away with a smirk. Shaking my head, I find a cartoon for us to watch.

After breakfast, I leave the boys in our room and go to the other bathroom to shower. Waiting on the counter is a brand new outfit in my size. Once we're all ready, Owen drives us to the mall. The first store we go into is the Disney store which Bryant gets extremely excited about. "Which store do you want to go to next?" Owen asks as Brant drags me across the store.

We stop near the center of the back wall where there is a huge pile of stuffed animals. "Why are you asking me?" I ask, confused.

"You need clothes," he states.

I shake my head as Bryant releases my hand to grab a toy. "I have clothes. I've already told you that I'm not comfortable using your money like that," I say, facing him.

He rolls his eyes. "It's not that big of a deal. At least get a few outfits."

I sigh. "Why can't I just continue wearing the clothes that are available to me? I like them. And there's more than enough to choose from."

His phone begins ringing and he glances at it. "I have to take this. I'll be right back."

I nod and he answers the call, walking away. When I turn back to Bryant, he is no longer there. My heart immediately begins pounding as I look around frantically. "Bryant?" I call, scanning the room.

I force myself to move through my fear, searching the room. How could I turn away from him like this? He was there less then a minute ago. We were so distracted by talking... Tears fill my eyes as I grow more and more worried with each passing second. Owen's going to kill me, I think as the image of the dead man from the previous day pops unbidden into my mind. "Madison," Owen says from behind me. I turn around quickly and concern fills his eyes. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Bryant," I say quickly.

His eyes widen before his expression turns to a very angry one. "I was only gone for a minute."

"I'm sorry," I say, attempting to hold back the tears.

Turning away, he begins searching the room until we spot him walking towards us with two toys. "I want these."

Owen takes the toys away, placing them on a shelf before picking him up. "Let's go."

I obediently follow behind, not hearing his words to his son. Guilt settles deep within me and I don't know how to fix the situation. When we get to the car, I get into the passenger seat and wait for him to get in. Everyone's mood has worsened, even Bryant's who is upset about not getting a toy. I couldn't be more thankful when the car pulls into the garage back at the house. He shuts the car off and sits there for a long moment. "He's all I have," he says softly.

"I understand," I whisper, unbuckling. "I'm sorry."

Opening my door, I climb out and rush into the house. How could I lose his child? He'll never trust me again. Going to my room, I curl up onto my bed and cry into my pillow. Could I have ruined everything by screwing up like this?


Days pass without talking to Owen. Bryant has been in the preschool but I can't seem to convince myself to go into the room so I work with the babies until the older kids get here. The house has been oddly quiet. Most of the men have been absent so nothing chaotic has happened. My day comes to an end rather quickly and I make my way to the showers. Lily informed me of a girls party being held in the strip club but I didn't feel like going. The sound of the music can be heard throughout the entire building so I hum along with the familiar tune as I undress.

Turning the water on, I wait for it to warm before stepping under the stream. Closing my eyes, I run my hands through my hair. When I hear a noise, I step away from the water, wiping my eyes to look around. The room is still empty so I continue with my shower. Moments later, two hands wrap around my wrists, holding them together. I scream in fear but they hold their hand over my mouth. "Fuck," says a deep raspy voice. "Now stop before I break your fucking neck."

Hot tears run down my cheek and I stop screaming. He removes his hand from my mouth and begins tying my wrists together with what feels like rope. "Why are you doing this?" I ask, my voice shaking with fear.

"It's a warning..." he pauses. "Tell your little boyfriend and his brother to back off of Montano and his crew or else next time I'll do worse."


His fingers grip my belly button ring, ripping it out of my skin. I cry out in pain but his hand covers my mouth. He swipes his foot from behind me, causing me to slip and fall to the floor. As much pain as I am in, I do my best to stay quiet in hopes of him leaving me alone. Grunting, I try to move but he kicks my side. Groaning, I begin crying even harder. Kneeling beside me, he places his knee on my thigh to hold me in place. "Mmm. There's so much I could do to you right now," he says.

I attempt to see any piece of him that isn't covered but he's wearing all black with a black mask. His hand moves to the apex of my thighs but I do my best to stop him. "No, please. I will tell him," I cry. "I'll do anything. Just let me go."

He nods. "Okay. Just remember, if you don't get him off our backs I'll come back for you. And next time I won't be so nice."

He pulls one end of the rope and it loosens. Standing up, he turns and walks out of the room as I begin sobbing on the floor. After a while passes, I use all the strength in me to pick myself up and shut the water off. The water causes my wounded stomach to burn. Holding the towel against my stomach, I slip into panties then put on a bra. I begin to feel faint but I try my best to ignore the blood. Pulling a robe around me, I head to the medical hall where Miles rushes to me.


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