Chapter 27

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As I lay beside Owen, my mind wanders to my conversation with Dominic last night. Part of me wants to tell Owen about what happened but I know he's got a lot on his plate right now, especially now that his dad has showed up. He shouldn't have to worry about me at a time like this.

When I feel him move beside me, I glance at him. He peeks at me with one eye before laying his head on my chest and curling his arm loosely around my waist. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For being an ass last night," he mumbles.

I raise his face so he's looking up at me. "Don't worry about it. I'm still here, aren't I?"

He smiles a little before leaning in to kiss me. "Now you have to tell me everything I said."

I chuckle. "You apologized even though you don't remember?"

"Yes. It's kind of common for me to become an asshole when I'm drunk," he frowns.

I bite my lip, wondering if I should tell him that he told me about Michael and his dad. Well, he told Dominic in front of me. I decide honesty is the best way to go. "Dominic helped me bring you back here and you told him that your father killed Michael and he would kill you if you didn't take over."

He rubs his face with his hand. "Fuck," he mumbles.

"So it's true?" I ask.

"He said he got rid of Michael and wanted me to take over. He's staying for a few days to watch me."

"If you don't want to do it then why don't you leave?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "It isn't that easy. He has more connections than I do. He'd find me in less than twenty-four hours."

An awful idea crosses my mind but I force it out of my mind immediately. "Then do it until he dies then pass it to someone who wants it."

"Like who?"

"Michael if he isn't dead. Maybe Dominic. He seems to like it," I say.

He runs his fingers through his hair. "Maybe I will but right now I need to worry about my father who is unfortunately alive and well."

"Okay," I say with a chuckle.

I watch as he climbs out of bed, standing up. He stretches and my eyes trail down his body. "Shower with me," he says, walking around the bed.

When he reaches my side of the bed, he leans down to kiss me. He slowly pulls back, causing me to follow him. I stand up and begin slowly following him towards the bathroom. He places a hand on my hip, his hand slipping beneath my shirt slightly. I pull away, remembering my bruises and stitches. "I can't," I say softly.

He frowns. "Why not?"

Honesty. If I want him to be honest with me, I need to be honest with him too. I run my fingers through my hair as I try to think of where to begin. "Remember how you came into my room the other night?" I ask. He nods. "Well, when I got out of work the day before I decided to take a shower. The girls were partying in the strip club so it was loud. I didn't realize someone came in after me."

His eyes widen and his lips part. "What happened?"

"It was a man," I continue. "He was dressed in all black and had a mask on. He ripped the piercing out of my belly button and kicked me around a little bit but I'm fine."

His jaw tenses. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You have so much going on as it is. I didn't want you to worry about me."

"I'll always worry about you," he says, dragging his hand over his face. "Did the man say anything?"

"He said he'd come back to do worse if you didn't back off from Montano," I say.

He looks beyond pissed and I begin to feel small. "Show me."


"Show me your stomach."

I hesitate. "I'm fine, Owen. I have stitches and a few bruises."

"Show me!" he demands.

Sighing, I raise the bottom of my shirt to the top of my stomach so he can see the damage. The bruises are already beginning to fade and the stitches are covered by a bandage. Looking into his eyes, I see a mix of emotions. "Owen, I'm okay. Really. It doesn't hurt as bad anymore."

"This is all my fault," he says softly. "I'm supposed to protect you."

I shake my head, releasing my shirt. "You can't always protect me. I'll be fine." He doesn't look convinced so I close the space between us. Holding his head between my hands, I stare up into his eyes. "This isn't your fault. If anything, it's mine for letting my guard down."

He closes his eyes for a moment before opening them. Placing his hands over mine, he pulls them away, pressing a soft kiss on one before releasing it. I follow his lead as he saunters into the bathroom. Reaching into the shower, he turns the water on before turning to me. He grabs the hem of my shirt and I raise my arms. He pulls it over my head before dropping it to the floor. Next, he hooks his thumbs in the sides of my pants, pulling them down with my panties all at once. I step out of them before reaching back to unclasp my bra. I drop it to the floor before gazing at Owen. He takes his clothes at an even pace, not rushing at all. I take a moment to remove the bandage, deciding I'll pay Miles a visit when I leave here. It has healed quickly considering it has only been a couple of days.

Turning back to Owen, I watch as eyes trail along my body, stopping at my stomach. His eyebrows furrow slightly but he holds out his hand for me to take. We step into the shower and he slips his arms around my waist. Moving his face closer, his lips linger near mine as my eyes flutter closed. "I'm falling in love with you," he whispers, pressing soft kisses to my lips.

This ignites something within me. A mix of fear and excitement bubbles within me. Stretching to meet his lips, I kiss him passionately. Our time together has been short yet so much has happened. Lifting me up, he presses me against the wall and I reach down between us. Wrapping my hand around his erection, I guide him into me. He moans into my mouth and I catch his lip between my teeth. Releasing it, I tip my head back as he thrusts into me. It isn't long before I'm coming apart, him following suit. "I love you too," I say breathlessly.


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