Chapter 3

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After the bloodwork is done, I am left to fill out paperwork. It is not even close to being like the paper you typically fill out at a doctors office.

1. What is your full name and date of birth?
2. Have you ever been in trouble with the law? If yes, explain.
3. Are you currently or have you ever been married?
4. Do you have any children or are you currently pregnant?
5. Do you use any recreational drugs? If so, list them below.

There are a total of twenty questions so I quickly fill out the paper, growing more tired with each passing second. Just as I finish the last question, there's a knock on the door. Miles opens it and Dominic enters with a small pile of clothes. "This should be fine for tonight. I'll let you pick your own clothes tomorrow," he says. "If your done you can go shower now."

"I am," I say, putting the clipboard on the bed and jumping off. "Thanks Doc."

He smiles a little. "No problem. I'll see you around."

I take a moment to get a good look at him before following Dominic out of the room. He is relatively attractive. Dominic hands me my clothes which happen to be a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. He stops at a frosted glass door, pulling it open. "The towels are in the cabinets. There's new toothbrushes and toothpaste in the drawer beneath the sink. I think the soap, deodorant, feminine products and stuff are in the cuboards beneath the sinks. Take what you need and being everything out with you when you're done."

Nodding, I enter the bathroom and walk around the wall blocking the view. The cabinets containing the towel are against the wall, the sinks are along the back wall and the center of the room and the side walls are the showers. I frown when I realize this means I will have to shower with a bunch of strangers. Grabbing a towel, I walk to the sinks and set my stuff down. Grabbing a toothbrush and holder along with toothpaste, I quickly brush my teeth then search for more things in the cupboards. I find a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of bodywash and a comb. Undressing, I quickly shower, hoping no one will come in. He said there was a curfew so I doubt that'd happen but I can't help but be paranoid about it.

Once I'm finished, I quickly dry up and slip into the clothes he gave me. I comb through my hair and pull it back into a bun, thankful that I happened to have a hair tie around my wrist. Grabbing my things, I exit the bathroom barefoot. Dominic is speaking to a woman at the end of the hall and they both turn in my direction when they hear the door. "Madison, this is Annie. She'll be your roomate for now," he says.

"Nice to meet you," she smiles. "I don't know about you but I'm tired so let's go."

Nodding, I glance up at Dominic. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me just yet," he says with a smile. "You haven't even been here a day to see how things work."

"If it weren't for you, I'd be sleeping in an alley," I say softly. "Even if this doesn't work out, you helped me."

He places his hand on the small of my back and begins walking. Annie is a few feet ahead of us. "I'm glad I could help but don't ever let a man treat you like that again."

"I didn't let him," I say in disbelief.

"If he was okay with doing it then, that means he's done it before," he says. It's true so I don't say anything. "You might not think it right now but you deserve better than him."

Annie stops in a door labeled Living Quarters. "Goodnight," I say to Dominic.

"Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning."

I follow Annie down the hallway. She looks like she's a little bit older than me, probable in her late twenties. She has long wavy brown hair and is very tall. "We'll share a room until they trust you and then you'll get a standard private room with a bed, closet, table and chair. They're small but the privacy is nice since it seems like you never have any around here."

"Why do you have to share?" I ask curiously.

"I volunteered because I don't like being alone in such a small space so I get a room that's twice as big and includes a roomate," she explains.

After passing a bunch of closed doors, we reach a room with an open door. The door is labeled with the number 32. We enter the room and she closes the door. The right side of the room is personalized with all of her things so I put my belongings on the dresser to my left. "Why aren't men allowed past that doorway back there?" I ask curiously as I pull the covers back.

"They don't want any women accusing them of anything so they're only allowed back if there's an emergency or they're supervised by someone else."

I nod, sitting on the bed. "What's your job?"

She smiles. "I am a stripper. People think the worst about that profession but it's kind of fun. Plus, knowing that you can turn on that many men is fucking amazing. It makes me feel better about myself. I love the attention," she says. "What do you want to do?"

"Well I've danced in a strip club before but I don't really want to do it again so I told him I wanted to be a waitress."

She nods. "That's a good job. You'll most likely get it because one of the girls just transferred to the other location."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I frown. "There's more than one location?"

She nods. "Yeah, there's two but all of us girls say there are three places to go - here, the other location or back on the street. The second location is where they'll move you if you're good."

"What's the difference?"

"The other place is more lenient because everyone already knows the rules," she says before glancing at the clock. "We should really get to bed. Morning will be here before you know it."

"Okay, goodnight," I say.

"Night," she says.

I lay down and pull the blankets over me as she switches off the light. As I slowly drift off to sleep, I wonder how tomorrow will go.


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