Chapter 17

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The following day, I notify Miles of the change in where I'll be working, skipping over the reason why. No one really knows about our relationship besides Michael but I know it won't take long for the word to get around so I don't plan on rushing it. I follow him to the daycare where he stops me. "Where were you yesterday?" he asks. "Dominic said something about you going out for dinner with Owen the night before so I thought maybe you said something wrong and he kicked you out."

I can't help but chuckle. "I can handle Owen."

Just as I turn to enter the room, he grabs my hand. "We're friends right?"

I frown. "Of course."

"So you'd tell me if something was going on, right?"

I purse my lips, crossing my arms over my chest. "I'm dating Owen."

He raises his eyebrows. "You've known him for like a week."

"And? I like him and I don't care what anyone thinks."

"So you spent yesterday with him?" he asks.

"Yes. We went shopping," I lie.

The truth is we spent an hour in the bath then he got a call from someone here so we came home. We parted ways and haven't talked since. "I'm glad you told me," he says, seeming to be holding back.

Right now I'd rather not deal with this so I simply nod and enter the room where the younger kids are. Bryant is laying on the bean bag chair in the back corner, holding a bear that's wearing a football uniform. "Hey Bryant," I say, sitting down beside him.

"Hi," he says quietly, concentrating on the bear. "This is Bubba."

"He's cute. Did you just get him?"

"Yes. Daddy took me to the Bear store to get him. He has a heart," he says, sniffling.

His cheeks look a little red so I touch his forehead. "Are you sick?"

"Yes. Daddy said he would pick me up early today," he says.

I run my fingers through his hair, brushing it away from his face. "I hope you feel better. Do you want me to read to you?"

He nods, leaning against me while hugging Bubba tightly against his chest. I grab the same book I've read to him before off the shelf beside us. Seeing his sick makes my heart break. He's usually so happy and energetic. Hopefully his dad gets here soon. As I begin reading the story about the snowman, I notice him falling asleep. By the time I finish reading, he is sound asleep. Figuring I should probably tell Miles, I carefully stand up and exit the room. When I step into the hallyway, I notice Owen coming down the hallway. I stop outside Miles' door and wait for him. "Hey."

He glances at the book in my hand. "Good book?"

I glance down at it, smiling. "One of the little boys loves it."

"Do you like snow?" he asks.

"I've never actually seen it," I shrug.

"I'll take you to see it someday," he says, circling his arms around my waist and pulling me against him.

His words sound vaguely familiar but I can't remember why. Leaning down, he presses his lips to mine and it clicks. I pull away quickly. "Holy shit. It's you."

"What are you talking about?" he asks.

"Why are you over here?" I ask.

He glances past me at the door I just came out of. "I came to check on you."

I frown, unconvinced. "Bryant told me his dad took his to see the snow. He said he was going to tell his dad to take him and I to see it one day. You're his dad - aren't you?"

He looks away for a long moment before meeting my gaze. "Yes."

I step away from him, gesturing to the door with the book. "He's sick. He fell asleep when I was reading to him."

"I would've told you," he says. "I didn't want to overwhelm you anymore than I probably already have."

I sigh. "I'm not mad. I absolutely adore Bryant."

"Come on," he says, walking towards the door.

Taking a deep breath, I follow hin into the daycare. When we reach Bryant, I put the book down and watch as Owen gently wakes him. "I don't feel good," Bryant mumbles sleepily.

"Come on, I'll take you home," Owen says softly.

Bryant looks up at me. "I want her."

I bite my lip and Owen glances up at me. "He's become kind of attached to me," I shrug.

"We both have," he mumbles with a frown. "Fine, she can go. Come on."

Bryant stands up, only to come to me. He hugs my leg and I look up at Owen who stands there impassively. "Will you carry me?" Bryant asks, looking up at me with his big eyes.

Bending over, I pick him up and he clings to me. Turning, I begin walking out of the room. "Bubba!"

Sighing, Owen turns around to get Bubba. "At least Bubba likes me," Owen mumbles.

"No he doesn't!" Bryant says, snatching the bear from his hands and tucking it beneath his arm.

Shaking his head, Owen opens the door and allows me to go through. Miles is standing in the hallway with a man. He stops talking when he sees us. "Excuse me," he says, turning away from the man. "Is everything okay?"

"He's sick so I promised to pick him up early," Owen says.

Miles glances at me. "And you?"

"Bryant requested that she go with us," Owen says. "She might be back tomorrow."

Might? Placing his hand on the small of my back, he begins walking and I follow his lead down the hallway. Instead of going to the room, we go out to the garage and he opens the door to the black Cadillac Escalade. I put Bryant in his seat and step away so Owen can buckle him. After he closes the door, he turns to me and takes a deep breath. "Please come with us. I'll show you our house and make us dinner."

I bite my lip. "So his mom is the one who passed away?"

A pained look appears on his face for a short second but he quickly replaces it with an impassive expression. "Yes. But I don't want to talk about that right now."

"I don't have clothes," I say.

"Don't worry about it. I'll get you some."

"I have a job," I say, running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

Cupping my face, he forces me to look up at him. "I want you to come with us... Please."

His lips brush against mine and I close my eyes. "Okay."

Pressing a chaste kiss to my lips, he releases me and walks around the car to open my door.


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