Chapter 24

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When I wake up, I feel lightheaded and my body is completely numb. I am still in the medical room with Miles who is sitting across the room looking down at his phone. "Hey," I say, my voice hoarse. "Can I get some water, please?"

"Of course," he says, standing up.

Going to the sink, he fills a paper cup with water. I sit up, wincing as I do. The blanket falls down from my chest and I realize I'm only in my bra and panties. I tuck it beneath my arms to cover myself. Miles hands me the water and I gratefully accept it. "Thank you," I say, taking a sip. "I feel lightheaded."

"It's the painkillers. You passed out and I didn't want you to feel anything while I stitched you up."


"Just a few. It was a clear cut so it'll heal normally."

I nod. "Thank you."

"No problem," he pauses. "Madison, I need you to tell me what happened."

I shake my head. "It was nothing. My washcloth got caught on my belly ring and it pulled it out."

He stares at me doubtfully. "And the bruises?"

"I fell."

He shakes his head in exasperation. "If you won't tell me then you need to tell Owen."

"Owen," I repeat quietly. "Did you tell him?"

"No, I called him twice but he didn't answer."

"Please don't tell him. It's not that serious. He has enough to deal with."

"Madison," he sighs. "He's my boss."

"I don't care. It's honestly none of his business."

He looks away for a long moment before returning his gaze to me. "I had one of the girls bring you a comfortable outfit. I'll get you an ice pack while you get dressed."

He leaves the room and I carefully get up. Although it is painful, I manage to get dressed. There is a bandage over my stitches so I don't have to worry about my shirt rubbing against it. I open the door partially so Miles knows he can enter before sitting on the bed. When he returns, he hands me the large ice pack. It has a fabric cover to make the temperature more bearable. "Keep that on your stomach where it's beginning to bruise. It'll reduce the pain and bruising."

"Okay," I say, getting off the bed.

"If the pain gets worse come see me and I'll give you some painkillers."

I nod, leaving the room. It is late so I go to my room and lay down with the ice pack across my stomach. As I attempt to fall asleep, I think about everything that has happened lately. My life is a complete mess. I thought coming here would help me but it hasn't. A tear slips from my eye as I think about the man from earlier.


✳✳✳Owen Carter✳✳✳

Sitting at the bar, I stare down at the dark liquid in my glass. It's been a week since I've talked to Madison but not by choice. We ran into some issues with Montano again so we had to put him and his men in their place. I can't even imagine what she must be thinking about me after what happened. I was harsh - especially since I know Bryant was the one who ran off. I want nothing more than to be in bed beside her right now.

The thought of her in my bed makes me smile. It's odd to think that I actually miss her. I haven't felt these feelings in such a long time. "What are you on?" Michael asks, nudging my side.

I chuckle. "Some kind of drug called Madison."

He smiles. "She's something else, isn't she?"

I nod a little. "She's a pain in the ass."

It's his turn to chuckle. "I'm sure she is. She's stubborn as hell, too."

"Yeah, she is," I agree.

A long moment of silence passes as we sit in content. "You really like her, don't you?"

I can't help but smile. "Yeah, I do. She makes me want to be better."

"So go to her. I'm sure she misses you too."

I turn to look at him. "Are you sure? There's a lot going on around here."

He nods, glancing around. "I can manage it. Go get your girl. Spend some time with your son. You deserve to relax. I know this isn't what you wanted which is why I am going to do my best to prove myself."

Finishing my drink, I stand up. "Thanks, man. Just don't make any irrational decisions again and you'll be fine."

He smirks, nodding. Finding Dominic amongst the men, I announce that I am ready to go home. Obviously surprised, he follows me out of the building to drive me home. When we arrive at the house, I make my way to the living quarters. There is music coming from the strip club but I head in the opposite direction. Breaking my own rules once again, I head down the hallway to her room. Slowly opening the door, I check to see if Annie is in her bed but it's empty. Closing the door, I walk over to Madison's bed where she lays sleeping. I kick my shoes off and take off my belt before untucking my shirt. I place my hand on her arm and she jumps awake. "Owen?" she asks after a moment.

"It's me," I whisper. "Can I lay with you?"

"Sure," she says, confusion hinting her voice.

I lay down between her and the wall on my side so I can look at her in the darkness. Reaching up, her fingertips run along my jaw. "You need to shave," she says softly.

I smile, turning my head to kiss her hand. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," she responds, moving closer. "I'm sorry about Bryant."

I take a deep breath. "It wasn't your fault. I was there too and I know how he is. I shouldn't have blamed you."

Leaning closer to me, she kisses the corner of my mouth. "I love Bryant and I would never do anything to hurt him. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of his life."

"He loves you too and I'm glad we have you in our lives," I say before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Goodnight."


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