Chapter 5

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After Dominic gave me a tour of the place, we ate lunch then he took me to the strip club. He promised to meet me here at the end of the night. Lily is the bartender but she also dictates all of the waitresses. I get a hang of things pretty quickly.

The strip club is very classy and has a cool, relaxed vibe to it. Everything is mainly black and white, with a splash of red here and there. All the couches are tufted leather and the tables are glass with comfortable black leatger barstools surrounding them. A single big chandelier hangs from the ceiling in the center of the room but appears to be dimmed. Around the top of the walls are built in slow changing colorful lights that are hidden from view. The stage is on the wall opposite of the bar and stretches out to the middle of the room where another pole is located.

As the night goes on, more and more men enter the club. Girls go on stage, doing their dancing and I find myself thinking about when I used to dance. Shaking my head to clear the thoughts, I pick up the tray and saunter over to the table where two men sit. "Michelob Ultra for you," I say, placing his drink in front of him. "And a Red's fod you. Can I get you anything else?"

"Are you new?" the guy to my right asks.

"Yes, sir."

"What's your name?" asks the other.

"Madison," I respond.

"Why aren't you up there dancing?" asks the first guy.

"Who'd want to watch that?" I ask with a chuckle.

He raises his eyebrow. "I'd love to. Why don't we go back there and you can give me a sample."

Knowing he is talking about the private rooms reserved for lap dances, I almost roll my eyes but refrain from doing so. "I would but it's not in my job description. Sorry."

Turning away, I return to the bar and put the tray down. Turning around, I notice Mr. Carter walking in with a group of men behind him. "Madison?"

Glancing to the man a few stools down from me, I realize it's the doctor from last night. I rack my brain before snapping my fingers. "Miles."

He chuckles. "Yeah, that's me. So how is this place treating you so far?"

"Good," I shrug.

"If you ever need someone to talk to you can come to me. I know this can be a bit overwhelming at first," he says.

I shake my head a little. "I'm not an ordinary girl. I've put up with a lot of shit and can handle more than most could. I'll be fine."

He nods. "Well my offer still stands. If you ever need anything just let me know."

"Thanks," I smile. "I should get back to work."

"Okay. I'll see you around."

Grabbing my little notepad and pen, I make my way to the couch where Mr. Carter is sitting. "What can I get you?" I ask, staring at him impassively.

He glances up at me. "A glass of scotch."

"And I'll take a Bud Light," says the man beside him.

"Make that two Bud Light's," another man says.

Nodding, I scribble it down before returning to the bar. Lily fills two glasses with Bud Light then fills a smaller glass halfway with scotch. Picking up the tray, I saunter towards the men. When I'm only a few steps away from the couch, a man stumbles back, bumping the tray. It tilts back, spilling all of the drinks onto me before they fall to the floor. The sound of the glass breaking causes everyone to turn their attention to me. My face heats in anger but I simply take a step back and kneel down. Placing the tray down, I begin picking up the pieces of glass and placing them on the tray. "Everyone go back to work," Mr. Carter demands, his voice deep with authority. "Just go clean up. Someone will clean this."

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