Chapter 2

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Ashley dropped me off at home and had one last joke before she left. "Have fun on your date!" She said about to take off.

"Help mee!! I don't know what to wear.." she laughed

"finee!! Ugh what would you do without me." She killed the car.

"Have a stroke. Now come on!" We both laughed and ran upstairs. She rampaged my closet.

"Here." She handed me a cute half skirt half shirt outfit which looked like a dress.

"Jeez were just studying"

"so? Just trust me!"

"Fine.." I got dressed.

"Perfecto! My work is done."

"Now go!!" I half joked.

"Why?! He's coming in like an hour!!!"


"Why can't I stay until he comes!"

"Because!! Just go" I sat on my bed.

"Fine. byee my sexy mean best frand!" She laughed

"bye shorty"


I walked outside and started my car. I looked over and saw Dylan so I rolled down the window.

"Hey" he stood by the car with his arms resting on the hood.

"Hey. Stalking much?"

"More like waiting for you to come out" I laughed.

"And why is that?" He shrugged not answering.

"Well Katie kinda kicked me out soo I kinda have to go as much as I wanna stay and talk to you" I tap his glasses playfully.

"Then come over. My mom and dad is at work and Tylers coming over here. So it'll just be us"

"hmm okay but don't think ill do anything with you" he put his hands in the air

"no worries ill be the perfect gentlemen" he smiled.


"Nice place" I looked around their house.

"Thanks" he shut the door behind us.

"Welcome" he sat on the couch and I followed.

"DYLANN!" Tyler was running down the stares. I smiled

"oh didn't know you had company. Ashley right?" I nodded.

"Well I'm going over to Katie's."

"Mkay. Have fun. Be safe." Tyler rolled his eyes and I laughed.

I watched him walk out and looked back at Dylan.

"So.. what you wanna do?"


I opened the door and smiled.

"Hey. Nice outfit" he smiled and stepped in.

"Thanks" I smiled back not bothering to mention I needed help dressing myself.

"You're welcome."

"Wheres your books?" I chuckled.

"Oh uhm right we were supposed to be studying.." I laughed.

"Its cool.. mine are sorta at school" he laughed. "So uhm.. I guess we can just go to my room and.. hang out?"

He nodded following me to my room.

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