Chapter 13

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"Ashley!!" I hear outside of my car window. Ugh god just strike me now.

"What Tyler." I rudely say.

"Where you going?" He leans against my jeep and asks. Wow he is nosey.

"No where. Now get off my truck before I take off and drag you with it."

"I dont mind" He winks.

I groan taking off and him jumping back.

Damn I was close to running over his foot..

"Wait!!" He yells but I pretend not to hear him as I drive off. I actually don't know where I'm going but whatever.

I drive off to Katies house and fix me a cup of tea.

"Shouldn't you be at school young lady?"

"I didn't feel too well." I lie.

"Well coming home wouldn't make it feel any better would it?" Katie's grandma says.

"Maybe but I just wouldn't want anyone to catch anything if I am actually sick."

"Mhm" She says, "Why don't you ever go home anyways Ashley?"

Wow old ladies are nosy.

"My family basically disowns me. They act like I'm not even there.." I sigh.

"That's tough my young one but don't go pullin my baby Katie into it." Her Boston accent is thick even though she has been living in California for over 5 years.

Wow. Granny sure knows how to cheer someone up..

I sigh making my way upstairs, changing into sweat pants and my pink sports bra, tying my hair into a messy bun opening Katie's laptop.

Messages were left on the screen between Katie and Tyler. I told myself not to be nosey but ay, I'm just as nosey as every other teenage girl.

K: You can't let her know.

T: I'm trying. It's hard and it's not right Katie.

K: Ashley needs to learn her lesson.. she can't just mess with people's boyfriends whenever she wants.

T: Well I did sort of kiss her first too..

K: Shut up and stop being so difficult.

I couldn't read on. My heart felt like it had just been ripped to pieces by my best friend.

Seriously. What the hell is going on! I can't believe Katie is actually doing this to me..

Her best friend.

Yea of course I understand she would be mad but not crazy! I close the laptop setting it where it was before and plugged my earphones into my phone and began playing good girls are bad girls. It's my favorite song at the moment even with all of 5sos' new songs coming out. It's weird how i remember song lyrics but not people.

The door creeked open, my music still playing through my earphones. She motions to pull them out but instead I take one out, then turning down the volume one notch.

"Hey" She was all smiles. Two can play at this twisted game.

"Hey" I smiled politely.

"Are you feeling better?" No. I actually want to slap your ass in the face.

"Yea.. that's just from listening to music though." I half laugh and she joins in.

"So is that all you did today?" She asks, sitting down on the bed.

"Basically" I don't bother to tell her about the conversation with her grandmother.

She grabs her laptop and opens it.


I look down to see my lit up phone screen.

"Aren't you gonna get that?" Katie asks, laughing.

"Right.." I take my eyes off the computer and pick up my phone. "Its just Dylan" I say setting down the phone.

"Aren't you going to respond.."

"Aren't you going to respond Tyler on your computer." The words slip out.

"You read my messages?" Her tone is calm but eager.

"Yea. I did." I confess. "And i guess I'm 'learning my lesson" I storm out of the room, pissed.

My anger has gotten the best of me, not letting her get a chance to explain.

I rush next door, not even bothering to knock.

"We need to talk." I say as I find Tyler.

"I knew you'd come around" He smiled.

"No way. What the hell is this to you and Katie? A sick game!" I yell.

"No, it's not like that! She made me do it!" He sighs, sitting down. "I feel so terrible.." He begins to sob.

I sigh, being the good person that I am, I sit next to him trying to be comforting.

"Why did you do it.." I sigh.

"I don't know, I guess I didn't want to lose another girl.." He puts his face in his hands, taking a deep breathe.

I lean over to kiss his cheek and then stand up.

"Whats going on.." Dylan said from the bottom of the stairs.





You'll never guess how it all ends!!


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