Chapter 6

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"You okay?" Ashley nodded.

"I will be I mean. I'm just gonna go to sleep early.." I nodded, not arguing with her choice.

"Okay see you in the morning." She fell asleep in about 10 minutes. I stayed up watching netflix until I did too.

I woke up and curled my hair and got dressed. I stared suspiciously at Emily who was strangely energetic.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Never better" she smiled but you could tell she was faking it. Big time.

"And please put on a longer shirt" I said and she rolled her eyes ignoring my request.

"Just cmon were gonna be late" We got to school in about 5 minutes which was crazy because I atleast live 15 minutes away doing the speed limit but I didn't question it.

"What's gotten in to her? Yesterday she was all tears" Tyler asked me.

"I don't know she just woke up like that" Dylan came up behind us.

"Whats going on?" He asked. Tyler and I pointed towards Ashley.


"Would you put on a jacket?" Dylan asked me. I chuckled and closed my locker.

"But its not cold in here. And I don't have to please you anymore"

"Oh but you are. You're pleasing everyone." I smiled.

"Thanks" I walked away.

"Not a compliment!!!" He came behind me and put his jacket around me.

"Look we're not together anymore so stop trying to be my boyfriend. You obviously didn't care yesterday why should you now? Because you realized other guys may actually like me?"

He looked down and I rolled my eyes. "Exactly" and went into class.

The week went by slowly. It was hard to be away from Dylan but I didn't let him know that or anyone else.

Friday finnaly came around.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Katie screamed. I stared at her.

"You've said that all day long!!!" I was clearly annoyed by her actions but  she just laughed.

"I wanna go to the park like we did when we were little and yes, Tyler can come i guess"

"Wasn't going to ask but since you said so.." Katie said.

"I'm just gonna change." I put in my black circle skirt  and mint green top. I make my curls more loose and french braid the side, pinning it. I come out of the bathroom putting on my mint Chuck Taylor's and leaving the house with Katie.

Katie and I walked over to Tyler's house and Dylan answered the door and I looked down.

"Tylers coming you can go up there if you want and happy birthday Ashley" Katie went upstairs.

"Thanks.. you can come to the park if you want with us. Katie and Tyler would prolly leave me alone anyway and go off somewhere."

"Sure I mean yea ill come"

"Cool.." I rocked back on my feet.

When Tyler was finally ready we took off to the park in Tylers car.

As I suspected, Tyler and Katie went in the flower bed and left me and Dylan alone, even though it was my birthday.

"Oh I got you a present" he pulled out a little box from his pocket.

"I told you not to get me anything.." I quietly spoke.

"That was when we were together" He came up behind me and snapped a necklace. I looked at it and smiled. It was an infinite sign with the words "Forever and Always" Carved into it.


"No problem.." I sighed. "You okay?"

"If I said yes i would be lieing" I quietly say.

"What's wrong?"

"Remember when I told you not to get me anything?"

"Yea you said you don't want anything besides to be with- oh.." I looked down.

"And here I am. But one problem."

"And what's that?"

"Were not toget-" He pulled me closer and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled back and I bit my lip.

"I can fix that. That is if you don't want to be alone anymore" he chuckled. I smiled

"I couldn't stand another minute being away from you" he smiled and kissed me more. It felt so right to be in his arms again.


"Ooh" I said quietly. "Told you it would work" I told Tyler.

"Finally. I couldn't stand another second with him talking about her" I laughed.

"Aheem!! Uh sorry to interrupt but were leaving" I announce.

They pulled away from each other.

"We can find our way home. Yall go" Dylan smiled at Ashley.


"Remind me never to doubt you again" Dylan said.

"I told you Dylan, I would never lie to you"

We were walking hand in hand. I looked up and laughed

"its raining!!" Dylan grabbed my arm and we ran under the bus stop. I smiled.

"I always wanted to do this" I looked both ways the street was empty.

I pulled Dylan out into the rain onto the street and began kissing him.

"You've always wanted to kiss someone in the rain?" I smiled and nodded.

He smiled and kissed me again. It began pouring on us and we ran under the bus stop again, breathless.

I sat down on the bench and took off my heels.

"Here" Dylan took my shoes and put me on his back.

"I don't wanna go home. You?" I shook my head and he smiled and ran across the street.

"Can I get a room please?"


"I wonder where they're at!" I paced around my room.

"Let them be." Tyler was sitting on my bed.

"I can't! She's my best friend I worry about her!" He got up and hugged me from behind.

"I know but they're big kids. I'm sure they'll be here soon enough" I nodded and he kissed my cheek.

"Okayy.." We both sat down on my bed and eventually fell asleep.


What do you think happened in the hotel room? HMMM


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