Chapter 7

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I jumped on the bed in the hotel room and laughed. Dylan rolled his eyes.

"What am I gonna do with you"

"Love meeeee" he laughed at my silly talk.

"You're delusional"

"I soo am not!!" He laughed again and sat next to me on the bed.

"Whatever you say babe" he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. I turned to face him.

"You missed."

"Huh?" He was confused.

"You missed.." I kissed his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck.  He smiled.

"I love you Ashley" I looked up at him.

"That's the first time you've said that.." I smiled brightly. "I love you too"


I woke up and looked around. Tyler was by my side. But Ashley was still gone.

I checked my phone. She had texted me at 3 a.m. "sorry not gonna make it. We stopped at a hotel when it started raining :*"

I locked my phone then thought. They stayed at a hotel? And she was worried about me and Tyler doing something stupid? I rolled my eyes and slipped out of Tylers arms.

"Where you going?" Tyler raised his head.

"I'm just gonna get dressed" he nodded and I went take a shower.

"Babe" I heard Tyler coming in the bathroom. I poked my head out and my eyes widened. Tyler laughed.

"Ashley and Dylan just got back"

"Finnaly" I hurried and got dressed.

"Where were yall??"

"I texted you we stopped at a hotel!"

"You told her?" Dylan asked her. She sh'd him.

"Look we didn't even do anything and you're not my mom so what would it even matter?" I rolled my eyes at her and I walked away.


I rolled my eyes and followed Katie downstairs.

"I don't get what the big deal Is okay?" I said calming my voice down.

"The big deal is you were so worried about me and Tyler that night then you go off and do that"

"Look I know we should've just took a cab or something but we just wanted to sleep at a hotel and be together.." she looked down.

"Fine. I'm sorry.." she said.

"Thank you" I cracked a smile and we both laughed and We went back upstairs.

"We're all smiles now? What'd i miss??" Dylan asked.

"Its a girl thing" Tyler laughed. I rolled my eyes at Dylan

"awh what'd I do now" I laughed and kissed him.

"Absolutely nothing." I Whispered and we both smiled.


"Ah knock it off. This is still my room" i said.

Ashley and Dylan both laughed and we heard someone knocking.

"I'll go get the door" I ran downstairs and opened the it revealing Shelby.

"Uhm hey haha"

"hi is Tyler and Dylan here?"

"Uhm.. yea there ju-"

"Who's ther- oh hey Shelby" Tyler came downstairs.

"hey. And wheres Dylan?"

"Dylannn!!!" Tyler screamed and Dylan came running down the stairs with Ashley on his back.

"Yea? Oh hey Shelby.."

"hey. Uhm yea remember when yall promised yall would give me a ride to the mall?"

"We can bring her!" Ashley said happily.

"Would you be okay with that?" Tyler asked.

"Sure..." Shelby smiled awkwardly. 

"I dont know. Have you seen your clothes Aahley?" Dylan asked observing her body. She ignored his comment and ran outside grabbing Shelbys wrist.


We all piled in my jeep, somehow we all fit.

"Yall sure yall want to come?" I asked Dylan and Tyler. They shrugged.

"Why not" Tyler said.

"Okkayyy" Katie, Shelby and I ran into the mall and took off in forever 21 and started randomly picking out clothes.

"This is cute" I handed a pile of clothes and told Shelby to go try it on.

"Where's Shelby?" Tyler and Dylan had caught up to us.

"She went try on things." She came out the dressing room with the outfit I had handed her.

"Cute!" She smiled and went back in and tried on something else.

"Babe" I looked up at Dylan.


"She can't be wearing those short shorts and shirts like that. She's my cousin"

"Well you like it when I wear it" I smirked.

"Because I know I am the only one that can have you" he smoothly put his hands om my waist. I blushed and pecked his lips.

"But she's buying that outfit" he rolled his eyes and I turned back around.


Shelby tried on all the clothes and somehow Ashley convinced her to buy all of them.

"Awh before we go eat can go in the photobooth!!!" I asked Tyler who nodded in reponse.

"Can we go to the park after?!!" Ashley asked after we got out of the booth.

"You're such a kid" Dylan laughed. She looked at him.

"Problem??" She raised her eyebrows.

"Maybe" he smirked.

"Remember that" She walked away and went go get a corn dog.

"Someones in trooublee!" Tyler joked.

"Nah. She can't stay mad at me."


We left the mall and went to the park after and I immediately went on the swings, like I have always did.

Dylan sat next to me but didn't say a word. My phone vibrated. I laughed and shook my head. It was picture that said "I hate when we don't talk"

"Me too " I admitted. He smiled and I ran away towards the slide.

I waved him over and I slid down the slide backwards and Dylan followed on the opposite one.

"I always wanted to try this but Austin never wanted to. "

Don't compare me to him.." i laughed and nodded and kissed him upside down on the slide.

"I could never compare you to him."

Awh Ashley and Dylan is my otp.

Dashley or Kyler Or Ashtin?

AKA (Dylan and Ashley) (Katie and Tyler) or (Ashley and Austin)?


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