Chapter 4

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"I wonder if he told her.." I was looking at Katie and Tyler from the swings. Dylan grabbed my hand

"Still if he does or if he doesn't, it won't affect us." I smiled and leaned over to kiss him.


We were walking back hand in hand through the garden.

"Was it a girl or boy?"

"I don't know.. she didn't want me around her when she found out she was pregnant.." he looked down.

"Ohh.." he nodded.

"So yall ready?" We asked Dylan and Ashley.

"Yea" They both got up and we went into the jeep.


"Just turn right thereee and here we are. Sadly.." I laughed as we pulled up at my house.

"Welp bye guys!" I say opening the door.

"Hold up ill walk you to your door" He followed me down the walkway.

"Well this is me" I half laughed and looked down. Dylan looked at the door when he heard screaming. I sighed.

"This is why I stay at Katie's" I sorta laughed.

"Your welcome to stay with us if you want.."

"I wouldn't want to get in the way or anything."

"Is everything okay?" Katie was poking her head out the window.

"My parents are still fighting." I sigh.

"You can stay the night with me if you want. My gramdma wouldn't mind."

"Sure ill just get my clothes" I said relievingly. I walked inside and ran up the stairs trying not to be noticed with Dylan following behind.

"Ashy!" My little sister called out to me and she hugged my knees.

I gripped her back.

"Please don't leave us here again.." She sighed, referring to her and my brother Collin.

"I'll come get you soon and bring you to play at the park one day.. Okay?"

"Promise?" Her gentle voice asked.

"Promise" I tear almost fell down my cheek but i could never let her see me cry. I had to be strong for her and Collin. Cassy and Collin then walked out of my room, leaving silence between me and Dylan.

I hurried up and packed my clothes then snuck back downstairs.

"Where are you going?" My mom saw me. "Who's this?"

"Out." I barked. I saw Dylan flash a small smile and I slammed the door behind me.

Katies POV:

"That was fun.." Dylan closed the car door.

"Right." Ashley rolled her eyes at him.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I got my clothes and ran out. Can we just go now?" She looked out the window and Tyler peeled out onto the street.

"Ugh tomorrows monday.." I said as we were about go to into our houses. "I don't want you goo" I whine.

"We have to be apart sometimes Katie" I laughed.

"I know but that doesn't mean I want to. But I meant school" he laughed and kissed me.

"So that's how it is" He joked and I nodded playfully.


"You knoww my birthdays coming up" I smiled.

"You told me. What do you want?"

"And like I told you nothing!! All I want is to be with you Dylan" I smiled and kissed him.

"I'm still gonna get you something" I rolled my eyes.

"Byee Dylan" I started to walk away.

"What no goodbye kiss?" I laughed and turn towards him and shrugged.

He smirked and pressed his hand on my face and kissed me. I pulled back and bit my lip.

"now I don't want you to leave.." he smiled.

"Well pretty boy," I took his glasses from his face and put them on mine. "Who says I have to?"

I woke up and yawned. It was 6:30 and i had came back to Katie's at 2. You could say I was tired.

I wiped my eyes and got up and got dressed.

"KATIE!!" I jumped on her. She got up and pushed me off.

"Well good morning to you to." I say from the floor where I had landed when she pushed me.

I got dressed in my black high waisted shorts and a shirt that said "I hate mondays" And a pair of glasses with tape around them.

Hiiii how's the story so far?

yay or nay?



Also, if you see any mistakes when reading just please comment them and I'll edit it.


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