Chapter 10

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"Ashley?" Someone lightly knocks and the door creeks open. "You're awake.." He makes his way toward the bed and sits down at my feet.

"How are you feeling?" He questions.

"I guess I'm fine.." I lie.

"That's good. Well, there's breakfast downstairs whenever you're ready to come down." He offers and i nod.


"Can we just do something fun?" Ashley begs. We all owe it to her to do something she enjoys.

"okay, but anything besides-" She cuts me off with her burst of excitement.

"LASER TAG!!!!" She smiles.

"Fine. But you're on my team because im not losing again to you." Tyler and Dylan looked confused so I fill them in on her kiddy obsession. She takes this game so seriously.

"Well y'all go get ready and we'll go" Tyler says so of course Ashley runs out of the door quickly. We all laugh at her silly ways but then she comes back standing in front of the doorway.

"Your house is locked.." She tries not to laugh as she taps her perfectly polished nails on the wooden framed door.

I toss her the keys but she misses like always. She may have been a cheer leader and dancer but that didn't mean she could catch a ball, or anything for that matter.

She picks up the keys, gives an awkward smile, and flies out of the room once more.

"I guess I'll go get dressed too." Dylan says heading up the stairs.

"And then there were two." Tyler jokes which makes me crack a smile. "For real though, after tonight, we can drop Dylan and Ashley back off here and just me and you can go to dinner" He suggests.

I think for a minute, I don't want to really leave Ashley alone.. but shes a big girl right? And she would be with Dylan, she should be fine.

"Then it's a date" I smile and kiss his cheek before leaving.

"ASHLEY!!" I yell as I walk into the house.

"IN THE BATHROOM GETTING READY!!" She calls back. Great. This will take an hour. 

I run upstairs into my bedroom and open the bathroom door.

Ashley is already in her black tank top, black tights, and combat boots with her long blonde hair in a high ponytail reaching her lower back.

"Here" She faces me and puts the 2 lines on each side of my face like football players do when they are playing. "If you're going to be on my team, you gotta look the part!" She smiles.

My "Battle clothes" she already picked out for me is the exact same as hers but my shirt is long sleeve because I simply do not own a plain black tank top and if I ever need one,  Ashley has it. Thats basically how our friendship works.


"Someone has their game face on." Dylan comments.

"Thats righttt. So you better bring it." I wink at him before hopping in the car.

"Oh I'll bring it." I hear Dylan whisper as he sits beside me in Tyler's range rover.

"So, wheres this place at?" Tyler looks back at me and I happily tell him the directions. I haven't played laser tag in about 5 months and its driving me crazy.

We pull up at in the parking lot and I run inside riding on Dylans back.

"EEEEPPP!!!" I yell and laugh, hopping off of Dylan's back.

"Just like we used to." He smiled. I tried not to make eye contact because my feelings are obviously still not the same! I don't know why im not falling for Dylan but I'm just not.. maybe it just needs more time.

Don't get me wrong, Dylan is a total babe and any girl would jump on him in a second and hes so funny but maybe im just going through one of those moods.. I don't know..

My thoughts are broken by kids knocking me off my feet, literally, the little people bumped into me making me loose my balance and hold onto the counter where we get the equipment.

"You okay?" Tyler asked as he was the only one that actually noticed because Katie and Dylan were setting up their vests.

"Yea.." I put my vest over my head and strap it around. "Having trouble?"

"I got it.." Dylan said, not able to strap his vest. I stared at him in disbelief and strapped it for him so we could begin.

"Thanks." He sounded annoyed. Well someone's mood changed quick!

"The game is now beginning in 3..2..1." The monotoned voice said once we were inside the tent.

"HAPPY LASER GAMES!!!" I screamed as the buzzer went off.

I motioned for Katie to go left and I go right. I turn the corner to Dylan facing backwards and shoot him from behind.

"Sorry cutie" I laugh and he sits down facing defeat.

"Already?" I say to Katie as i see her once flicking blue lights off and her body on the ground. She shrugged and I continued looking for the last victim.

I began to watch from behind me because Tyler could be anywhere in the tent.. and Of course my clumsy self bumps into the wall and I fall down. I sigh and then realize it wasn't a wall, it was Tyler.

I hurriedly point my gun at him and his is pointing at my chest. He offers his hand to help me but which I happily take but its just a part of my next move.

With the gun in my right hand, I point it at his chest and his lights go off. I smile as I stand up, letting go of his hand.

"Good game." He smiles through the darkess.

"I know" I smile back then it becomes awkward.

"Did we win?" Katie comes up to us and I nod.

"Of course!" I say and I can even tell my tone is weird.

"I demand a round 2" Tyler stands his grounds and Dylan agrees.

"Yea, I totally wasn't ready." Dylan fights and me and Katie laugh.

"Thats what the 3 2 1 is for." Katie back talks.

hi (:

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