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"Good evening class!" I smile at the room of petite girls. "How was everyone's summer?" I smile at them.

"It was so fun!" I hear throughout the room.

"That's good." I smile to the little ones. "Who's ready for their first day of class of this year?" I ask them, raising my own hand followed by them doing the same screaming "Me!"

"Fantastic! Let's get started!" I smile, turning on ballet music as they all run to the bar, grasping it with their little hands. "And bend.." I say over the music and watch them all follow my movement, pliéing.

After 45 minutes of bar work and watching them turn across the floor, class was officially over.

"See you ladies next week!" I smile waving goodbye to the little ones but one stuck behind. "Come on Belle. I bet your daddy is waiting for you." I smile, grabbing her hand, closing the light to the studio.

"Hey." Her father greets us as I finish locking the door, picking up Belle into his arms. "How was class today?"

"It was so fun!" She smiled brightly, hugging his chest. "Mommy is the best teacher."

I know it's silly but I blush as she says it.

"Maybe mommy can teach daddy some moves then?" He says, winking.

"CAN I JOIN!!" Belle said, full of excitement.

"You've seen daddy dance, I think he needs private lessons." I giggle, as we get into the car, Stiles strapping Belle into her car seat.

And this is my life. A beautiful daughter of four years and a husband of five years.

After we both graduated high school,  I moved away to go to dance school in England.

After 1 year in England,  I got homesick and came back to Beacon Hills, visiting my best friend and family only to find him still living here.

You see, him and I made a pact.

Once I was done with dance school and came back to California, he'd be here waiting for me.

And to my surprise, he was, only to find him dating someone else.

"I'm happy for you." I remember saying, commenting on the beautiful girl he had developed feelings for.

"I still love you. You know that. Those kind of feelings just don't go away." He once said.

"But I did. I went away." I remember crying. "I just left you here because I ran away, too scared to face what would happen next."

That night, that night I fell asleep in his arms. The rest is ours only to know.

"What are you thinking?" He whispers to me as Belle closes her eyes softly, tilting her tired head on the car seat.

"Oh nothing." I smile in memory.

Katie and Tyler didn't actually work out. Turns out, out of me and Katie, she's the one that couldn't stay in a relationship too long without getting bored. 



Turns out, he still lives with his mom, working at a movie theatre, playing video games.

I guess you could say I dodged a bullet there.

Anyways, that's how we ended up here, eight years later after the accident.

Married with a daughter and my own dance studio, opened for 2 years with 135 students.

I guess you could say "forgetting" was one of the best things that ever happened..

The end.

And that's all folks!

It's a short story but full of love.

I hope everyone enjoyed it!

Don't worry, we have other stories to read if you're interested. 

they're completely different from this one!

Enjoy and see you soon!


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