Chapter 11

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"Our vests are totally broken!!" Dylan complains as we are walking out of the tent. I laugh then wipe my lips one more time, trying not to be noticed even though Tyler is staring right as I do it. I pretend to ignore his looking and reply to Dylans bogas comment.

"You're such a sore loser!" I smile and place my vest on the desk.

"Im serious! These things are broke." He stands his grounds even though, we all know the truth.

The guy working the counter rolls his dark eyes at Dylan and then walks away with all of the vests in his hand.

"I think we should make this a weekly thing! Of course not just laser tag but I think ever week or so we should just go do something fun every sunday." Katie offers. I don't want to be rude and say no so I just nod along.

"That'd be cool." Tyler speaks awkwardly.


After laser tag, Tyler and I stuck with our plans to have our first official date.

We dropped off Dylan and Ashley and then I went to get dressed and take off this face paint.

My outfit of choice was a black and white striped dress with a pair of my sandals to match since Tyler told me to dress nice.

We ended up going to a sushi restaurant which was terrible! I was so disappointed but I didn't tell Tyler how I felt, He did pay for the whole meal anyways..


Dylan had drove me to get my jeep which I ended up actually paying 450 for everything. After Dylan followed me home or to Katie's house and then just met me there.

"Was it always this awkward?" I laugh as me and Dylan sit on Katies bed with nothing to do.

"Honestly, I don't remember ever having a boring moment." He flashes a smile.

"Well.." I try to start a conversation but simply can't.  Therefore, I take action and go to the closet which me and Katie basically share.

"I need an outfit for school tomorrow and you're going to help me decide" I smile.

"Why me? And do you do this every day before scool?"

"Because you're here and no but its my first day back in like a week so why not make a presentation?" I smile and take clothes off of their hangers.

I begin taking off my shirt, facing the wall and throw over a crop top that says "CUPCAKE" and tribal printed shorts.

I turn around to get Dylans opinion.

"And you're going to wear that to school?" He asks.

"I'll take that as a no then.."

"It's not that I don't like it, it looks hot but thats the problem."

"Ohh. You're the jealous type" I wink and began taking off the outfit and placing it on the hanger once more.

I then take a floral printed skirt off of its hanger and place it at my waist.

"What, you've saw me undressed before right?" I say to Dylan as he stares at my bare body.

"No.." He says nervously and I lightly chuckle.

I end his misery of my shirtless body and put on my white sweater and tuck it into the skirt.

"What about this one?" I twirl, making the skirt go round.

"As long as you don't spin, its perfect." He laughs.

"Okayy." I take a regular pair of jean shorts and an oversized t-shirt and head to the bathroom to change.

"Where are you going?"  Dylan rises from the bed.

"To change?"

"Oh.. well why don't you just do it right here again.." He says slowly but I can't help but blush. He's now standing in front of me and breathes down on my head as he begins to untuck my shirt.

He began rising the shirt, revealing my skin and then he began misplacing the him of my skirt and dropped it to the ground.


I check my phone for the time and read 12:25 and gaze around the room. Once again I'm the only one up. I wonder if I did this before I lost my memory.. I don't know. I get up from sitting on the carperted floor of Dylan and Tyler's living room.

I make my way into the dark kitchen and put water into a glass cup.

"Night owl much?" He comes in rubbing his eyes, his pajama pants swaying against his legs as he walks.

"Just can't sleep.." I comment sipping the water.

"Look about today.."

'Never menchine it and I mean it. I don't want Katie to find out." I empty the glass and set it down.

"You can't just ignore it.." He tries but I shake my head.

"Well I am." My tone is growing angrier every time he menchines it.

He grabs my arm as I try to walk away which fears me. I know where this is going and I know I can't stop it because I want it. I want it so bad.

His warm lips reached down to mine and I nearly melted on the inside. I've never felt this before but I've also never felt this guilty..

Poor Katie. Im such a bad friend..

I pull away at the thought as if she saw us and cover my mouth, disgusted with myself.

"Goodnight." I say and scurry off into the living room.

"Wake uppppppp!!" I hear Katie's voice yelling as she rocks me back and forth.

"I'm up im up." I groan and rise myself.

"Good!" She smiles. Somehow, we're back in Katies room but I don't remember leaving Tylers living room. I was most likely just half asleep.

I check my phone and groan.

"Its 6 am. Why am I uppp" I plop back into the pillows.

"We do have school you know" She takes my hand and pulls my body upward. I blink heavily, throwing the sheets off and began to get dressed.









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