Chapter 12

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"I said not to twirl.." His hands place on my hips and I blush turning around.

"Well, maybe I did it just for you" I wink closing my locker.

"Well shouldn't I feel special" Dylan pecks my lips and memories fill my mind of yesterday.

"Mhm." I pull away quickly as Tyler approaches us.

"Hey guys." He says cooly and leans against the lockers.

"Hey man. Well I've gotta go to History. See you later" Dylan says and kisses my cheek then leaves. I sigh as Tyler and I stand alone.

"Im sorry.." He begins.

"This can't keep happening.." I breathe and we begin to walk to first block.

"But what if it can?" He trys but I shake my head.

"It's wrong." He pushes his hair back and I want to die.

Why did Katie see him first..

No. Shut up Ashley.

Don't get me wrong, Dylan is great but it's just ugh. With Tyler, it's different.

"You know you love it though. Don't you get that rush everytime.." He whispers as we walk into English and take our seats in the back.

I ignore his comment but I could never deny it.

"Did you hear me?" He whispers again.

"Yep." I cockily say. Maybe this will drive him away; hopefully. But now I just have to do my part on getting over him.

He rolled his eyes then smirked.

"You'll come around."

"Wow you are such a jerk." I complain.

"Only when it comes to you." He winks and faces forward. I copy his actions and ignore his tapping pen which I have told him 20 times to stop.

The bell finally rang.

53 minutes.

53 minutes of insane tapping! My mind is literally spinning.

"Ashleyyyy" I turn around and see Katie running after me.

"Guess what!!!" She says in excitement.

"What?" i say in an annoying attitude.

She stretched out her arm and flicked her wrist down.


"The ring!!!!" She smiles brightly.

"What?? Your'e married now?" I joke.

"No smarty. Its a promise ring."

She stares in amazenent at the thing laying on her finger. I clutch my necklace tightly and think of Dylan and then Tyler. How he's cheating on Katie then gave her a promise ring.


"Pretty. But  yall have only been dating for what? A few weeks? 3 months maybe?" Her smile faded.

"You're just jealous." We were at our lockers now.

"I am anything but jealous.." It came out harsher than I had meant it but oh well.

"Glad you feel that way then." At that moment she had walken away from me and then I bumped into Dylan who was waiting for me by the water fountain.

"Hey lovely." He kissed my ear and I didn't respond.

"Everything okay?" He asked. I acted as if I was oblivious to the whole situation. He didnt deserve to find out in a school hallway.

"Fine" I fake smiled.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yea, of course I know that." I tap my books.

"Good." We turn into the classroom and take our seats which was in the middle of the classroom and where I fell asleep.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU KISSED TYLER?!" Katie blasted. I looked down shamefully.

"Im sorry.. i know.. I'm terrible but"

"No. Im done with you and "but" thats all I ever hear from you Ashley." She looked at me with disgust and hatred. "Get out of my house." She demanded and so I did.

The bell rang, waking me up from my dream. Or nightmare..

I shake it off and tell myself it meant nothing and Katie wouldn't be that mad, right? I mean, shes my best friend..

I decide to text Katie.

Me: Hey, uhm.. so i think im going home to rest. Im feeling a bit sick. Pick you up later.

She texted back as I got into my jeep, 5 minutes later.

Her: "K."



She only says "K" when shes annoyed or mad.. did she maybe already find out? Oh my god.

No. She couldn't have.. Could she?

Whatever I just need a nap..


"You know shes never going to tell you.." Tyler tried to convince me.

"If its the same Ashley I've known my whole life, then yes she will."

"But shes not. Don't you get it?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Whatever. Just go chase after her or something." I demanded and he sighed. "Now." I say and watch him walk out of the school.






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