Chapter 14

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"It's not what it looks like.." I say to Dylan.

"It looked like you kissed Tyler."

"On the cheek." Tyler confirmed. I give him a look, telling him to stay out of it.

"What's going on Ashley.." Dylan asks slowly.

"Okay uhm.." Wow this is hard. "Well.. during laser tag."

"I kissed her." Tyler interrupts.

Dylans eyes fill up in fury.

"What?" Dylan asks looking over to me. "Is that true?"

"No. We kinda both kissed each other.." I pause to watch his reaction. "It meant nothing Dylan I swear.." I step closer to him but he backs away, holding his arm out, signaling for me to stay my distance.

"But we.." He begins.

"I know! I felt so guilty after but that meant everything to me..Kissing Tyler meant absolutely nothing!" Tears are falling as I try to save myself.

Dylan ignores my words and stares at Tyler.

"You're supposed to be my brother! My best friend!" He doesn't attack him, only with words.

"Its not like that! Katie made me continue it!"

"Continue? So this has been more than once?" Dylan screams.

"Only twice! I swear Dylan.. he tried but I turned him down.."

"So you tried to go after my girlfriend." Dylan laughs in disbelief.

"No! We accidentally just kissed and Katie made me continue it! I didn't want to do it but Ashley refused because she liked you and didn't want to hurt Katie!" Tyler yells, pressing his hands to his face.

As if on cue, Katie walks in with a look plastered on her face that looks like it belonged to an axe murderer.

The bullet went straight through me.. and that's the last thing I remember when I woke up in the hospital..

"She's awake!!" A boy exclaims from the side of my bed.

I blink a few times before realizing the familiar face.

"What happened.." I asked, looking around the room.

"You've been in a coma for almost 6 months.." Dylan speaks.

6 months?

"Wait how?" I asked searching around the room.

"You don't remember? The car crash?"

The car crash? So I didn't get shot?

"They were almost going to pull the plug on you but I knew you would make it through. You are my brave little soldier." He says kissing my lips. "I'll be back. I'm just going get the doctor" He adds before walking out.

After a few moments, a doctor comes in with papers and a smile on his face.

"Congratulations on waking up" He states before sitting on a stool near the bed.

"Thanks.. I guess.." It was awkward.

He explained how I was halfway dead but I already felt like that before the coma. How I was on the verge of dieing,  blah blah blah.

"You're awake" My mother said with Cassy and Collin by her side. I sat up in my bed, watching my brother and sister's face light up.

"You look great mom.." I say observing her body. She is no longer skin and bones. She smiles nodding.

"I've cleaned up." She smiles. "After I finally left your father after your injury..I realized I had bigger priorities to deal with. So, your friend Dylan helped me out" She says, nodding her head towards Dylan. "He watched these two while I went to.. meetings."

"I'm just glad you're better mom.." I smile. "Does anyone know where Katie is?" I ask.

"She and Tyler..they.."

"They died?!" I scream, tears already forming.

"Oh no! You didn't let me finish" Dylan half laughs, now sitting on my bed. "But, they did run off and elope.."

"Elope?" I say choking.

"Haha I'm only joking,  they're on their way" He says smiling.

Same old Dylan..

"I'm so glad you're back.." He whispers.

"Me too.." I pull his face in, embracing him, connecting our lips.


My heart monitor, damn it.

My heart rate is too high. 

I laugh pulling away.

"I've waited 6 months for that" He laughs. "I've been here everyday.."

"You're crazy." I smile, brushing his hair back.

"ASHLEY!!!" I hear the high pitched voice calling my name, running in the room with a balloon and Tyler traveling behind her.

"Katie!!" How awkward is it that she just shot me in my head only moments ago?

"Welcome back to society" Tyler jokes.

"In my head, I have been here the whole time. Just with amnesia.." I say, making everyone laugh.

"Speaking of amnesia, 5 seconds of summer just came out with their new album. It's totally hot!" Katie squeals.

"Can't wait to hear it." I smile.

This kind of conversating went on for a few hours until it was night time and everyone had to go home.

Thank god for visitation hours.

I couldn't go to sleep. I practically slept for 6 months and frankly I was scared I would miss something. Maybe not even wake up again.

I know it sounds silly but its life.

"Are you ready to go home?" The doctor asks me, 2 days after I woke up.

I nod excitedly, my back has been aching just lying here.

"Well, as soon as someone comes to check you out, you can be released." He informs me smiling, walking out.


Jk.. there is only an epilogue though.. :"(

Should be up soon!

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