Chapter 8

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KATIES POV: "That looks like a bunny!" I laughed and pointed at the sky.

Tyler and I were laying in the flower garden with my head on his chest.

"And That looks like a cloud!" I laughed and looked at him. He smiled and kissed me.

"I love you"

"I love you too"


"uh guys" I pulled away from Dylan and looked at Shelby who looked upside down. I twisted my body to face her.

"Yea?" Dylan asked.

"I'm supposed to be getting home soon"

"I'll go get Katie and Tyler." I get up and make my way over there.

"Shelby wants to go home" they looked up at me and got up.

"I don't feel like driving" I complained.

"I can drive" Katie offered.

"Sure but don't crash my baby he's my pride and joy"

"hey!" Dylan said. I laughed

"after you" he smiled and pecked my lips.

"Ah get a room" Katie joked.

"Yea last time we did that you yelled at me." I smirked.

"Right.." she laughed and we got into my jeep and began jamming 'Good girls are bad girls'

"That's a red light!!" I yelled. And thats all I remember saying when I woke up at the hospital..

I opened my eyes and looked around. Katie and 2 guys were in the room. I stared at them for a second until they noticed I was awake.

"She's awake" one of the guys smiled and kissed me.

"Uh.. who are you" he looked confused.

"Its me Dylan" I stared at him blankly. Katie looked at me then back at him. I sat up.

"Where's Austin?" I asked. Dylan stared at me for a moment then walked out.

"What'd I say"


"You didn't say anything about losing her damn memory!" Dylan was yelling at the doctor outside of the room and you could hear him from the room.

Thank god Ashley was sound asleep again. Dylan walked back in the room and sat down.

"Dylan she's going to be fine" I tried to comfort him.

"She's asking for Austin and doesn't even remember me. No nothings okay!" I sighed.

"Well what did the doctor say?" Tyler asked.

"She may gain her memory in a month or two." He slouched back in the chair and rubbed his face and watched Ashley.

"C'mon, you're my brave little solider remember?.." I heard Dylan sob into her sheets.


"Can I go take a shower?!!" I asked the doctor. He laughed and nodded.

"Yesss!!" I laughed and went into the bathroom. I walked out into the lobby and looked at Dylan sleeping in a chair. I walked away and because as much as he tried to convince me I knew him, but I didn't.


"Dylan!" My eyes were heavy and I sat up in the chair. Tylers mom sat next to me and raised her eyebrows.

"Tired?" I nodded.

"You know Dylan.. she may not remember you.. not after a week.. or a month.."

"or ever" I finished it for her. She sighed and put her hands on mine.

"Just make her fall in love with you again." She smiled. "I have to get back to work. Someone needs a sponge bath" I laughed.

"Well have fun" she gave me a thumbs up and walked away.

I stepped into Ashley's room.

"Good morning" I greeted her.

"morning" she smiled.

She twittled her thumbs and looked down.

"Wh-what were you to me.." she looked at me..

"Your boyfriend" I bit my lip. She looked confused.

"I thoug-"

"Austin had cheated on you way too many times and you finnaly dumped him" she chuckled a little.

"Sounds about right." I laughed and nodded in agreement.

"And do you have any idea where I got this necklace?" She laughed and held it up observing it.

"I gave you that for your birthday" I sat on the edge on her bed.

"Well thanks" she smiled.

"No problem"


"How ya feeling?" I asked Ashley.


"Abouuut?" She kinda laughed and looked through the window out in the hallway.

"Ooh. Dylan" i nodded.

"So catch me up! What's going on at school. Allll the drama!!!" She sat up in the bed.

"Well.. okay. Austin and remember the girl who was here the other day?"

"Hmm Shelby right?" I nodded.

"Her and Austin are dating.."

"oooh I'm guessing Dylan doesn't know this" I laughed and shrugged.

"Maybe someone should tell him and warn her." I suggested.

"Why not the person who knows him best"


"Look. I know what Austins like.. trust me"

"Wait wait wait you're dating Austin?" Dylan interrupted.

"I don't think so anymore" Shelby laughed.

"Good" Dylan said. The doctor walked in.

"Great news!! You can go home tomorrow morning!" I smiled brightly.

"Thank god! This gown thing is terrible." I laughed.

"Well You can change back into your clothes tomorrow" the doctor smiled and walked out.

Sorry for all the POV changes in this but I just felt the need but awh.


This chapter was so sad. What were your thoughts?

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