Nine: "But We're Just the B-Squad!"

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"What?" Emilia brought her phone closer to her face and made sure her volume was turned all the way up.

"I want you to come cheer me on, Emilia. My friends and family will be there, and I want you there too."

Emilia sat there, feeling honored obviously, but three weeks was a long time to be gone from her home for someone she barely knew.

"Leon, I can't just get up and leave to come to Russia-"

"But why? I can buy the ticket right now, and by tomorrow afternoon you'll be on a plane to Russia, and by Thursday you'll be here with me," He explained, but his face becoming less hopeful the longer he waited for Emilia to speak.

"I'd love to, but I have lessons I need to teach, Leon. I can't just leave and come to Russia; I have commitments here."

"Well, our first match isn't until the nineteenth - you could come then!"

Emilia stood up, going to the kitchen and flipping through her calendar. "Um, I have a week off before the Fourth of July. Could I fly out then?"

"Ugh, that's almost the semi-final!" Leon shouted. "What if we don't make it that far?"

"You will; you're the German National Team! Plus, you have the best player in the whole world, remember?"

"Thomas? He's not playing in this tournament."

"No; you, Goretzka."

Leon smiled, looking down at his lap. He wasn't used to Emilia complimenting him; she usually just teased him, which he liked too.

"But we're the B-squad; we didn't even bring the best players."

"Who's all there?" Emilia inquired, hanging her calendar back up.

"Kimmie, Draxler, Rudy, Trapp, Sané, Brandt, Timo; just to name a few," Leon sighed.

"Are you kidding me, Leon? That's a fantastic squad! You'll not only make it far in the competition, but win it!" Emilia exclaimed, not believing that Leon didn't have faith in the young squad.

"Plus if you don't like the way things are going during a game, you always have the opportunity to change it."

"Yeah! We can win, Emi!" Leon shouted, pumping his fist. "And now I have another reason to score; so it leads me to seeing you again."

Emilia's face flushed, biting her lip lightly. Leon opened up his MacBook, searching flights from MSP to Sochi.

"Okay, let's plan for you flying out the 26th at 9 p.m. from MSP and you'll arrive the 27th around 6 p.m. Sochi time, alright?"

Emi nodded, excitement visible on her face. "I'm excited to go to a match, I've never been to one before."

"Aw, that's sweet, but I thought you'd be most excited to see your favorite German footballer?" Leon teased, smirking at the camera.

"Of course I'm ecstatic to see Joshua again!" Emilia played along with Leon's joke.


"I'm kidding, Leon. I'm most excited to see you - it's been nice to talk to you on FaceTime and messaging one another, but it's not the same, you know?"

"I miss you," the boy blurted without thinking. His eyes went wide when he realized what he said, and quickly murmered, "Well, it's late and we have practice early, so I need to go to bed. Talk to you tomorrow Emilia!"

And before Emilia could say goodbye or that she missed him too, Leon had ended the call. _____________________________________________________

  a/n: sorry this chapter is really short, but emi is going to the confederations cup soon, and most importantly, she'll see leon!!!

also now there are rumors going around that leon is going to sign with bayern (i know that rumors change every day - yesterday he was going to sign with liverpool ¯\_()_/¯ ) but omg if he does join bayern my heart will be so happy!!!!

also now there are rumors going around that leon is going to sign with bayern (i know that rumors change every day - yesterday he was going to sign with liverpool ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) but omg if he does join bayern my heart will be so happy!!!!

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^^^^^my reaction to the leon/bayern rumors ☺️☺️☺️☺️

have a great day!!! xx

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