Thirty-One: "You're Back Where You Belong, Emi"

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"Hey there, Sleeping Beauty," A familiar voice awoke Emilia from her peaceful sleep. She rubbed her eyes, not believing he was there, as he couldn't be bothered to pick her up from the airport hours earlier.

"Hi," Emilia crossed her arms, still frustrated that he didn't have the decency to call or even message her to tell her the change of plans that occurred earlier that day.

"What, you didn't miss me?" He tried to slide under the covers to be closer to Emi, but she scooted over to the other side of the bed. "C'mon Emi, you don't want to start your trip out on a bad note, do you now?"

Leon was really starting to piss Emilia off. How dare he blame this on her, while they had this trip planned for months, but he couldn't even pick her up because he was 'having lunch with a friend?'

"Who did you have lunch with earlier?" She asked him, and could see the wheels turning in his head, trying to come up with a good lie. It was something she'd been accustomed to over the last month.

"Just a friend," He coaxed, to which Leon tried to grab her hand, but Emilia pulled it away before he could make contact.

"Which friend, Leon?" She pressed the matter further.

"Just a friend, Emilia, now drop it," Leon rolled his eyes. He was becoming visibly more annoyed by each passing second, and he wasn't sure if it was because Emilia was pestering him, or because he was feeling guilty for his actions as of late.


Leon wrapped an arm around Emilia, kissing the side of her head. "I missed you. You're back where you belong, Emi."

"It's good to be back. Bochum is so beautiful, especially this time of year."

Emilia's answers were still quite short, which Leon wasn't happy about, but he figured that she probably wouldn't be thrilled that he wasn't there for her earlier in the day. However, he had brought her something that he was sure would brighten her mood.

"I got you a present," He pulled the gifts from behind is back, placing them on Emilia's lap. Both of the gifts were wrapped in dark blue paper, and Leon instructed her as to which one she should open first.

Emi tore through the paper, tugging from it a blue, Schalke jersey with Leon's name on it. "Couldn't have you cheering for the wrong team, Saturday," He shrugged before continuing, "Knowing you, you'd end up wearing something from Weston or that Pulisic kid -- I know how your American brain works."

"There's nothing wrong with my American brain," Emilia giggled at her boyfriend for the first time that day. "I'm sure you felt the same way about your German footballer idols when you were younger."

"Yes, but I should be your only football idol now," Leon teased her, picking up the palm of her hand and kissing it softly.

"You're so cocky."

"Only for you, baby," He winked at her, pushing the other present towards her hands.

Emilia opened the present, but was confused as it was the same exact jersey she had just received from Leon. "I love it, but I don't understand why—"

"Turn it over," He interrupted her, and she followed his instructions.

On the entire back of the jersey, was Leon's writing in white paint marker. It read:


These months away from you having been quite trying from me, I'm not going to lie. But it's all worth it knowing that I always have you and your unwavering support behind me. It really is the best feeling. I adore you and the work you do. You're the sweetest, most hilarious, most caring woman I've met on my twenty-two years on earth. You genuinely make every moment worthwhile, and I would move heaven and earth to be with you when you're away. I thank fate everyday for giving me the gift that is you, Emilia.

To quote your favorite song at the moment: 'I just had to let you know you're mine.'

Love always,


A few tears fell down Emilia's cheeks, which Leon kissed away almost immediately. "Don't cry baby, it wasn't that good," Leon held her in his arms, rubbing her back soothingly.

What Leon didn't know was that Emilia wasn't just crying because of the note on his jersey, even as beautiful as it was. She was feeling awful because she thought Leon was growing further apart from her, but really he was falling harder for her everyday, like she was for him.

That was probably why he couldn't pick me up at the airport today, Emi thought. He was probably putting the finishing touches on the jersey, and couldn't get there in time.

If only Emilia could fast forward a few months and see how wrong she was about that assumption -- she would have saved herself a world of heartache.

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