Slowly Falling -Chapter 12

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"I have to go to the doctor's office soon." I groaned. Gerard and I were walking down the side walk, going home from school. Did I mention Gerard practically lived in my house? Well, yeah he practically lives in my house. He says he wants to keep an eye on me. Gerard's parents didn't know about my health yet, and for that I was grateful. The less sympathy, the better. 

"Can I come with you?" Gerard looked at me from the corner of his eyes as we walked. 

"I mean.. If you want to, you can. My Aunt Marie is taking me." I shrugged. 

"My parents can take us if you want, Frankie." Gerard suggested. 

"Yeah, I guess we'll have to tell them sometime. I mean their son is hanging out with the biggest walking time bomb there is." I sighed. 

"Frankie." Gerard used his serious voice. It wasn't often that he used it, only when I said something wrong. And talking about dying is one of them. 

"Sorry, I know, you don't like it." I held my hands up in surrender. 

"Thank you." He kissed my cheek. Gerard and I kiss each others cheeks when we get happy or excited or just are in a positive friendly mood. It was to remind each other that for once, these tragedies are happy. 

My cheeks were warm and no doubt they were probably pink. "You're blushing." Gerard chuckled. Before I could answer I got hit by a rock. At first I thought it was Gerard but when I turned to him he looked just as clueless as I did. 

"Freak!" Some kid from out school was yelling. I think his name was Dennis or something like that. I hung my head low. Gerard seemed to notice my expression because he grabbed my hand and started yelling back at the kid. 

"Yeah but he's my freak so fuck off!" He yelled across the road. A kid with bushy brown hair that was sitting on a bench looked up and smiled at us. I gave him a small wave. He looked pretty nice. 

"Better stay on that side of the street motherfucker, I will fuck you up." Dennis sneered back. I laughed, that was probably the corniest and most thug thing to say. 

"What are you laughing at Iero?" He asked. 

"You're fucking face." Gerard let go of my hand and started to walk across the street. I trailed behind him and sat next to the guy with bushy hair. 

"He your boyfriend?" He asked, pointing to Gerard, who was yelling at Dennis for something. 

"Nah, best friends." I looked back at Gerard. Dennis walked away defeated, leaving Gerard to sit next to me. 

"Well, I'm Ray Toro." Ray pushed his hand at me. I took his hand and shook it, "I'm Frank Iero." I tried to say with confidence. "I'm Gerard Way." Gerard introduced himself. He then stuck his lips to my cheek and made a loud 'mwah' sound. 

Ray chuckled and lifted his right eyebrow. "He does that when he's happy." I explained, Gerard shook his head in agreement. 

After awhile of talking to Ray, I learned that he also played guitar. Ray had to go home and do some homework so Gerard and I were walking home again. 

"Are you ready to tell my parents about your cancer, Frankie?" Gerard asked. 

"Terrified." I said. I was scared of telling Gerard's parents, almost as scared as me being scared of Dennis. 

"Don't be." He replied and took my hand, squeezing it to reassure me of the situation. 

We walked into the Way household. Mrs.Way was in kitchen and Mr.Way was in the living room watching TV with Mikey. Mikey took the bus home, so he got here before us. 

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