I'm Alright- Chapter 13

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I walked out of the doctor's office and saw Gerard sitting impatiently on a bench. He was bouncing his leg up and down, annoying his parents. As soon as they noticed I was done they got up, waiting for the results. I half smiled at them and cleared my throat.

"I'm alright." I said. They smiled and patted me on the back. Little did they know that was all a lie. I'm not alright. I'm far from alright, actually.

We got in the car and Gerard's parents drove us all home. I walked to my house, Gerard following me. We sat in my room and I just stared at my guitar. 

"You really like playing don't you?" He smiled.

"Yeah, I love playing. It's the only thing that kept me calm for the passed few years." I answered with a smile. 

"Play for me?" He asked softly. I nodded my head and picked up my guitar. I covered Green Day's Basket Case. The song I played the day I found out Gerard was my neighbor. After I finished playing I put the guitar back on it's stand and looked at him.

"Do you know any other instruments?" He asked. 

"I sort of can play piano. Not good though." I shrugged. Gerard's face lit up as soon as I mentioned the piano. 

"I know how to play, here, I'll help you." He smiled. We walked into the basement of my house and sat down at a large piano. 

"Play." Gerard urged. 

"Okay, well I tried writing a song before so I guess I'll play that." I shrugged and started playing. It wasn't good, but it was okay I guess. 

"I never finished it." I said after I got to the apparent end. 

"You really like playing music, don't you?" Gerard asked. 

"Yeah, I wanna be in a band. I think it would be cool, to stand on stage and let your emotions out through music." I smiled again. Gerard smiled even wider, "I have an idea." He said. He ran up the steps and I followed behind him. When I got up the stairs he was on the phone, apparently talking to Mikey. And soon enough, Mikey was busting through my door with a bass in his hands. 

"Okay, drums, we need drums." Gerard thought out loud. 

"And another guitar player. I think it would be better to have 2 guitars." I put my idea out there. Gerard's head snapped up. 

"Ray, Ray, what's his phone number?" He asked frantically. I gave him Ray's phone number and he was calling Ray like this was an emergency. 

"Okay, yeah, we need another guitarist. Band name? Not sure yet, but we'll think of something. Okay, yeah, right now. Do you know anyone who plays drums? Bob? Perfect! Thank you so much!" Gerard hung up. He smiled widely like a maniac to Mikey and I. 

"Gerard, what's this about?" I asked. 

"I promised you I would make you happy. So that's what I'm going to do." He said softly. Mikey just looked at Gerard and I. 

"Gerard, are you gonna be vocalist?" Mikey asked. 

"Holy shit! You sing?" I asked, wide eyed. Gerard never told me that he could sing. I was surprised, he didn't really seem like the singing type. Gerard looked down and blushed. He smiled slightly and looked back up at me. "Yeah, I sing, Frankie." He said softly. 

"Sing for me right now." I squealed. I was so happy for some reason. I bet I sounded a bit feminine. 

"Uhm okay." He thought for a minute. "What should I sing?" He asked. 

"I don't know, have you ever written a song?" I asked. 

"Uh, yeah I guess I'll sing that one." He said. He started singing. His voice sounded soft at first, but then he got louder and his voice was giving me goosebumps. 

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