Chapter 19 -Frankenstein

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It's been a little over 9 or so months now. It's October, time flied by fast.

I guess all the doctors were wrong with me too, just like I said. I was predicted to die-again-only 3 weeks after Gerard died his hair. But here I am, again, still alive. Surprisingly.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Franky, happy birthday to you! Blow out the candles." Gerard put a cake right in front of my face.

I chuckled and blew out the candles. "What'd you wish for?" Mikey asked.

I actually wished for multiple things. I wished for 5 things to be exact. I'm not going to tell you, that would ruin the whole secrecy of wishes. But since Mikey asked, I made up a fake wish.

"I wished for nothing." I shrugged. It was definitely a lie, I had my 5 wishes in my head.

"Come on, you had to wish for something." Gerard nudged me.

"Nah I'm not the wishing type." I lied again.

"Okay, whatever you say." Ray rolled his eyes and sat down.

We cut the cake, I had inner depression from the absence of my mother, I silently cursed my father for not wanting me again this year, and then I are my cake. That was a normal birthday for me, I was now just adding the whole 'no mother' thing into the mix.

My mom's anniversary of her death is actually in 1 week. November 5th. That was also the day my shriveled black heart died.

"I got you something." Gerard said in a hurry and ran into the back. This tour was close to being over, very close, just 2 more days.

Gerard came back with a few things in his hands. A new notebook-mine was full-, a huge box, and a Frankenstein mask.

"Here ya go, I know, pretty lame, but yeah..." Gerard trailed off.

"I love them actually." Probably the first time I loved anything. I've never loved a single thing. Of course I had strong feelings about things, but never love.

I automatically put the Frankenstein mask on, it was cool. Maybe it was because I liked gore/creepy movies and shit. Not to mention comics. But Batman beats every other comic character, and I'm not even sorry for saying that.

"Awe, now you're my little Frankenstein," Gerard gave me a hug, "you gonna wear that for Halloween?" He asked.

"Fuck yeah!" I chuckled. It was my new favorite thing. I could even top off the costume by wearing fake screws in my neck! (Obviously fake,)

I laid in the back lounge with the door closed for the rest of the day. My stomach was a mess, I was coming down with the flu. It sucks that I was sick on my birthday, but it was nothing a little NyQuil couldn't fix.

"You okay, baby?" Gerard whispered as he came in. I was glad he decided to whisper, I also felt a mind splitting headache coming on.

"I'm fine, just the flu." I coughed right in the middle of my sentence.

"Okay. Can I lay back here with you?" He asked as he took a seat next to where I was laying.

"Yeah, you don't have to ask." I sniffled.

Gerard laid down beside me to where we were facing each other. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him and kissed my forehead.

"Tell me something I don't know about you." He stated.

I thought for awhile. I was used to him being curious, and I couldn't blame him for wanting to know more about his own boyfriend. But telling him something he doesn't know that I'm comfortable with telling him? Well shit.

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