Opposites Attract «•Fluff•»

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(Angels and Demons Au)

"—I'm just saying, I doubt that God'll take you back the amount of sinning you've been doing." John teased, smirking a bit as he thought back to last night. No, they hadn't been doing that. They had gotten into a make out session for at least half an hour. Alexander had stopped them before it could go any further.

"Stop saying that, it's not funny! I know I've been sinning, okay?" Alexander sighed, walking down the hall with John next to him. "Being in a relationship with a D, making out with another guy, committing crimes- Just... Maybe I'm not as pure as I thought I was-"

"Those are all stupid sins to me. I mean, there's nothing wrong with being with an A or a D, boy or girl. And we all commit a crime at some point!" John intervened. "Besides, everyone has sinned at some point. Some more great than others. No one's perfect."

Since they had suddenly found themselves in a school over a month ago instead of in Heaven and Hell, and the two were both 17, they decided to attend to blend in more. Which also meant that they couldn't straight up say 'Angel' or 'Demon' when talking about one another, so they used A and D. A for Angel, D for Demon. Or dick, because John could end up being one on multiple occasions.

"I know there's nothing wrong with it, but God apparently does and I have to follow the stupid rules." Alexander mumbled.

"God doesn't hate gays. He just pretends like he does so that most people can be in a straight relationship and repopulate. Or that's what Sam told me." John grabbed a pack of gum out of his pocket and took some out, offering Alex some, who said no. "Not to mention that he would've killed us by now."

"True... But we stole a car-" Alexander raised an eyebrow.

"I'll sleep in the car and you sleep outside, how does that sound?"

"...Nevermind, Yeesh."

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, Babyboy." John hummed, blowing a large bubble from his gum and popping it.

The nickname sent Alexander into a blushing mess. "W-What did we say about calling me that?" He whispered.

"That it's the perfect nickname and I can call you it anytime I'd like~?" The taller boy purred teasingly.

"Ugh." Alexander reached over, asked God to forgive him, and kissed John's cheek. "I love you, you handsome idiot." He smiled.

The bell rang and the two boys basically ran to their next period class, Chorus. John despised the class while Alexander loved it more than anything. That's John decided to take it along with him.

When they went in, their teachers, Miss Lohst and Miss Valentine, were casually singing along to Take Me to Church by Hoizer.

When they did notice the group of students that had piled up to watch, they paused the music and began with role call to make sure that everyone was there.


"Who can tell me what this symbol is?" Miss Valentine asked the class, pointing to the board. "Alexander?"

"It's a bass clef. It represents the males' notes, basically," Alexander blinked. "Because it's the lowest."

"Very good! What about a whole note?" Miss Lohst asked.


"A whole note gets four beats of rest, I believe?"

Everyone turned to John, who had answered the question. The one who didn't care about the class. The one who couldn't hate chorus more. Even the teachers looked shocked.

John blushed deeply and looked away.


"I say we sneak into a couple of movies, then we're good." John blew a bubble with his gum once again as the two approached a movie theater. John was calling it a 'date', but Alexander believed that it was an excuse to go see the new movies that he wanted to see.

"That's not a good idea..." Alexander muttered, crossing his arms.

"Calm down, we won't get caught!" John snickered, pulling Alexander inside.

John bought two tickets for some movie they probably weren't going to watch and handed the girl their tickets, who let them in.

"Ah, What first? I've heard that Jumanji is really good." John hummed, looking in the direction of the theater, the screen saying that the next showing was 4:30, or in five minutes.

"Yeah, I don't see why not. Let's go grab some popcorn and junk first." Alexander nodded, heading towards the concession stand.

Alexander got a full sized box of chocolate covered raisins and a white cherry icee, while John got full sized m&m's, a blue raspberry icee, and a gigantic popcorn bucket for them to share.

Two minutes until the trailers started to play. Alexander was only one praying that the theater wasn't full already, and luckily for them, it wasn't. They sat in the middle and began to get comfortable and the lights began to dim.


Hundreds of people began to flood out of the theater, and amongst them, John and Alex, who were currently being squished. Once they got out of that situation, the two walked back to the car and got inside. Alexander was already half asleep.

John took the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the car, helping Alexander in. They had replaced the license plates so that they couldn't be caught.

"John, why do we love each other? I don't mean it like- I mean, you're a demon and I'm an angel..." Alexander looked in the other's direction.

"Think of it like this. Y'know magnets? Only the opposites attract. That means that our differences actually bring us closer together." John furrowed his eyebrows.

"I never knew you were good at figurative speech." Alexander teased, leaning over and kissing John's cheek again.

"I didn't know either." He chuckled.


"Alexander? Alex?" John asked, poking the slightly smaller boy.

Alex had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position, his head on the dashboard.

John got out of the car and picked up Alexander, carefully placing a blanket over him. He'd take the passenger seat tonight.

Once Laurens got back in the car, he moved his chair back that slightest bit and closed his eyes. "Night, Babyboy." He mumbled before drifting off.

How long would they have to live on earth?

A/N: Help.
I'm in a chair for 4 or 3 more hours

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