The John war of 1780 «•Humor•»

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(Another oneshot i did for Laurens' birthday in October. Has some Hamdré)

John André.

A British officer. A man who probably was a 18th Century Douchebag. A man who everyone, Including Alexander Hamilton, was secretly falling head over heels for.

A man who John Laurens hated.

Laurens didn't see the big picture. What was it about the man that made him so extraordinary to people like Hamilton? He was on the other side, not to mention he wasn't even that handsome.

Of course, Hamilton thought it was unfair to hang the man, but Laurens felt like he would easily be able to live with that.

It was a cool August evening. Laurens decided to stay in for once, despite being asked to visit his friends on the outskirts of the encampment. He didn't feel like it. He was planning to work with Alexander that night.

Maybe he was being corrupted by jealousy? It was very possible. He did take more than a liking to his comrade. He just assumed that he was a tad protective of their relationship.

His thoughts were cut off when a certain ginger called from outside. Laurens only made the effort to call out, "Come in."

Alexander rushed in, a smile on his face, "John! I have wonderful news!"

This caused the taller soldier to chuckle. His comrade was so short and colorful that he had to remind himself that Alexander was only a couple of years younger than him.

"What happened, Hamilton?" He asked calmly, ready for the news.

"Major André isn't going to be hanged! I knew it was unfair!"


John began to feel slightly nauseous. Also maybe a bit dizzy.

"Oh, you mean the guy who helped Benedict Arnold?"


"The annoying one who is on the British side?"

"Yes. Your point?"

"Ugh... I don't think you see what I mean." John mentally face-palmed. "Why do you even like him so much?"

"Well," Alexander began, "He's so kind and I love his hair and he's blah blah John blah blah John André blah blah blah blah Major André blah-"

John prepared to fall asleep during one of Alexander's long speeches, and this one had to be the most uninteresting.

"Hamilton? Can we get to work now?" Laurens groaned, getting out a new piece of parchment paper and his set of quills.

"Oh! Right. Sorry, Laurens." Alexander got out his own supplies and began to write again slavery, as they both had been doing for months now.

//The Author sat there for a minute, reading over what she had written. She wanted to add André into this somehow, yet it wouldn't be historically accurate. Oh well. It's a fandom. Anything can happen. The author used her author magic to send John André their way.//

After a few good minute of progress, another knock was heard. Laurens and Hamilton exchanged each other a look before John got up to go see who it was.j

Once the door was opened, John's mouth dropped at the sight.

John. Fookin. André.

"Hello! My name is John André. I presume you're John Laurens and that your adorable friend over the is Alexander Hamilton."

Alexander began to feel a bit faint- wait. No. He was having a FBA. Fan Boy Attack. Yeah, definitely an FBA.

"Yeah... What do you want, André?" Laurens spat. "To run around telling your 'fans' that you're not dead?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, I never thought the failed artist would be a problem."

"Excuse me?"

"Stop being jealous because I stole your boyfriend's heart."

"He's not my boyfriend!" A flustered Laurens exclaimed.

"Whatever you say. Anyway... I'm here to ask if I may stay here for a couple of days." André fiddled with the buttons in his uniform.

"Haha funny. Bunk with the enemy? Over my dead body." Laurens snorted, feeling Alexander's hand rest on his shoulder. He was calm by now.

"Just you wait two years." The British officer mumbled under his breath.

"I have two words for you, John André-" John growled before having a sudden change of heart. Alexander had given John a little push by clawing his decently long nails into John's shoulder.

"O-Okay! Okay! Yeesh!" Laurens yelped, whining a bit when Alexander's hand, and nails, didn't move.

"I-It would be a p-p-pleasure to have you rest h-here for a da-OWW!....A-As long a-a-as you n-need too..." He added.

Alexander smiled, a smug look on his face.

"Thank you very much, my dear Sir."


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