Blue Sweaters and Birthdays «•Fluff w/slight smut but not really•»

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"-Happy birthday to you!" Cheers erupted through the room.

"Aww, guys, you really didn't have to do this. I'd really be fine with just a gift card or something-" I smiled crookedly, tilting my head slightly.

"But it's an important day!" Peggy pouted and crossed her arms. "You got me a phone for my birthday since mine was breaking down and you expect me to not throw the biggest fucking birthday bash for my best friend? John, you crazy." The youngest Schuyler sister snorted.

"Well then, what choice do I have?" I chuckled and grabbed the knife out of Thomas's hands, slicing the chocolate cake in front of me. I remembered to save a piece for my wonderful boyfriend, Alexander, who was at home.

I boxed it up and continued to celebrate with my co-workers, enjoying myself. I would have definitely preferred it if I was at home with Alex, but this was just as good, I guess, and Peggy had insisted. And if you knew Peggy, you'd know that she wouldn't take no as an answer.

She's just like that. Despite being my ex-girlfriend, we get along amazingly. A few years ago, we just broke up when I came out as gay, and turns out she ended up a lesbian. It worked out so there was no reason for us to be salty to each other.

Near the end of the day, everyone had gotten a present. To John, it was totally unnecessary, but Peggy was there, and once Peggy was there, it wasn't going to be a small party.

"Thanks, Meg. You're the best." I pecked Peggy's cheek softly and she smiled. "Anything for you."

We both said our goodbyes and walked off in separate directions, me, heading for home, and Peggy, heading for her family's castle-like house.

"Alex? I'm back! Baby boy?"

No response.


Still no response. I wonder where he is. I pull out my phone and text Alexander quickly, tapping my foot again the smooth wood floors.

Me: Hey, Baby, are you alright? ❤️
Alex <3: Yeah, I'll be back soon
Me: Okay. Where are you?
Me: Alex?
Me: Alexander
Me: Alexander Hamilton I swear to God you better not be leading a double life as a stripper

No more replies after that. Unfortunately for me, my mind started to work. What if he was? What if he was a prostitute? Oh God, maybe he got sucked into another dimension.

I thought about this for a while until my thoughts were cut off by a soft knock at the door.

Immediately jumping up, I opened the door to see who it was to be met by a boy way shorter than me. In a sweater that was way to big for his size.

"H-Hey, Alex..." I stuttered nervously.

"Hey, John!" Alexander gigged, standing on his toes and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

This was the first time I noticed that he had two large bags in his hands. It was impossible to make out what was inside from there, but the look on his face told me that it was probably sweaters and sweatshirts.

I had a... uh... Kink for those kinds of things, and Alexander, being the person he is, would often wear them on purpose.

I hesitantly sat down on the couch, watching and Alexander hopped up on the armrest.

He went into the bag and pulled out a blue sweater, followed by a green one.

"Which one should I try on first?" Alexander asked innocently, knowing very well what he was doing, but I couldn't help but chuckle. This might get interesting.

"The blue one?" I suggested. Blue was my favorite color.

"Mm, Okay!"

I watched his every move as he pulled off his current sweater, replacing it with the bright blue one.

I bit my lip gently and waited to see what he would do next. He snickered and sat down on my lap, curling up into a small ball.

I blushed, trying my best not to ruin the moment, but I couldn't help myself at this point. I pulled him closer and began to kiss at his neck affectionately, getting a few whimpers and whines out of him.

He gripped on to me gently when he felt me gently bite down, sucking and leaving a mark on his soft skin.

"You're mine!~" I growled playfully, keeping him close. Alex giggled and squirmed around slightly.

"Mm, let me gooooo!~" He pouted up at me. How could I saw no to that?

"Never. I love you too much."

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