"May I have this Dance?" »Fluff« [[NOT Lams]]

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//I'm sorry that this isn't 100% lams! It's for a contest and I need feedback! This had hinted Hamliza (Alex x Eliza), Angelichurch (Angie x John Church), Lams (lmao do I need to explain this?), and that's it pretty much. I wanted to write about a small friendship between Alexander and Eliza's sister, Cornelia-
This is not intended at all to be romantic, because that's gross-
Just Alexander acting somewhat like a child with a child-

"And this must be the beautiful Cornelia!" Alexander greeted, stooping down to the young girl's level.

Cornelia just stared at the man, as if she didn't know whether to respond to his greeting or not.

"Do not be shy. I promise that I won't hurt you. In fact, the opposite." Alexander smiled, before continuing, "My name is Alexander Hamilton, but you may call me Alex if you wish. I don't let many people present me by that." He joked, receiving a giggle from Cornelia.

It was the winter of 1780. The Schuyler Family had held a social event, in which a certain Lieutenant Colonel had found Philip Schuyler's daughter, Elizabeth. She had a spark that was hard to find in other women, even Angelica Schuyler, her elder sister.

While Angelica was strong but easily became annoyed with society's tendencies, Elizabeth was calm. Sweet. Stubborn in her own way. Filled with assertiveness. Although, that spark could be toyed with, causing a flame to grow in her heart. Most men wouldn't dare flirt with either if they became disinterested. Except for Alexander Hamilton.

Angelica had a husband, yet she didn't seem to be devoted to him. Elizabeth was smitten by the Continental officer. Margarita was too caught up in passing time by chatting with other officers. Cornelia? Well, she had found herself in a different spot of the mansion, away from the commotion.

She was a young girl, so she definitely didn't want to partake in the drinking and dancing. In fact, she expected to be alone like always.

Until now. What man has Elizabeth brought her to meet this time? A ginger with a peaches and cream complexion and freckles that splattered across his face. Bandages peeked out of his uniform slightly. He must be been injured. Yet he still had enough energy to dance.

"It's nice to meet you, A-Alex." Cornelia hesitated on 'Alex', unsure if it was the right way to go in this situation. She had always been told to address officers properly, no matter what side they fought for.

Alexander chuckled, "It's quite alright. If we're going to be friends, then it's only reasonable that I allow you to freely use my name. It's better than the nickname that the men in camp have for me." He murmured.

"And that is?" She asked curiously, but the Colonel shook it off.

"Nevermind that. How are you enjoying yourself? I understand that you're a bit young, but you seem... Lonely. Correct me if I'm wrong."

Cornelia smiled sadly, "Yes, but father tells me to stay away from all the drunk people for my own safety. Besides, everyone would rather see my sisters. Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy. Because I'm young, father won't let me spend much time with them either." She exclaimed.

"Ah, I see." Alexander replied.

"Angelica is busy with her husband, John, and Elizabeth and Peggy are searching for 'suitable bachelors', so it's not like they'd have time for me anyway." She shrugged, holding her doll tightly in her hands.

The music for the next dance began to start up, and Alexander turned his head for a second. Elizabeth was off chatting with her sister, who gave him a glance over every so often. At least she wasn't acting like the tall, blond hair, blue eyed officer who was just staring at Alexander. Maybe they disliked each other? Maybe they were friends? Cornelia decided to not try and sort out the man's personal life in her head.

"Well, normally, I would return to Elizabeth and ask her if she would like to dance, but that would be rude to leave without asking if I may have this dance." Alexander grinned, holding out his hand.

"A dance?" Cornelia was confused. Why would he want to dance with her? Besides, she was absolutely terrible at it. "I suppose... That couldn't hurt." She took his hand slowly. "But I'm afraid I lack any knowledge in dancing."

Alexander found himself baffled at her vocabulary. His guess was that the girl was around six or seven years. He assumed that she must be taught privately. "It's okay. I'll teach you. When you become older, you'll need to know how to dance."

The joined the others on the ballroom floor. Some people watched while others continued dancing.

"One two three, one two three, one- ow!" Alexander gritted through his teeth. "P-Please try to avoid my foot."

"I'm sorry." Cornelia tried once again, this time, beginning to concentrate a bit more. She hummed to the tune as she continued, syncing up with the rest of the dancers.

When the song ended, Alexander bowed, "The pleasure was mine, miss Cornelia Schuyler. Even though you did step on my toes."

"Alex, are you interested in Betsey?"

"That was out of the blue! Well... We've just met... Not longer that half an hour ago. But... Yes, a little bit. I plan to write her often." Alexander admitted, joining the young girl back in her corner.

"Well, I give you my approval if you wish to court her." Cornelia teased.

"Approval? Well, thank you. Also, how is your vocabulary so advanced?" Alexander asked, raising an eyebrow.

"As I said, my siblings spend most time outside of the house. I stay in all day. What else am I to do but study and read?" She smiled.

"Ah, right."

For another good twenty minutes, the two spoke of the war, Alexander's childhood (which he didn't often speak about), their siblings, and everyday things. Cornelia had even introduced her doll, Abigail.

They came to a stop when Eliza came over, asking how things were going, in which both smiled and said yes.

"I'm happy to see that you two can get along. Just don't get into any trouble, we don't need it." Elizabeth huffed.

"You mistake us for tricksters while we are perfect angels. Isn't that right, Cornelia?" Alexander pretended to take offense, Cornelia following after him.

"Right! We'd never things of anything like that!" Cornelia giggled, covering her hand with her mouth.

It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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