Snow »•Humor...Kinda•«

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(A question-
Who do y'all think tops? John or Alex? Or do you think they're Versatile, like i do?
I wrote this and didn't take it seriously one bit :3)

"C'mon, Lexi! Come play in the snow with me! It doesn't bite!" John giggled, beginning to form snow angels. It was still snowing lightly and it was visibly a winter wonderland.

"How am I supposed to know that?" Alexander growled, glaring at the cold substance. "We don't have to deal with this crap in Nevis."

Rolling his eyes, John stood up. Alex was always like this with new things. He had promised to give it a try.

Literally five minutes ago.

"Please? I wanna make a snowman!" John pouted, crossing his arms.

"DIY. Do it yourself." Alexander mumbled, now standing at the door and poking the freshly mounted snow with a stick.

For a bit, John just tried to figure out what the Hell his best friend was doing. When the time was right, he did he best thing he could.

The Southern boy grabbed a snowball, shaped it into the best sphere he could, and chucked it at Alexander, hitting him square in the chest.

"Pfft! Laurens, you're fucking asking for this!" Alexander screeched, breaking off a rather large and sharp icicle, ready to ram the other with it.

"WAIT, WAIT, NO, DUDE, THAT THING CAN IMPALE ME, PUT IT DOWN!" John yelled, before beginning to make a run for it.

"Mm..." Alexander dropped the ice, watching it shatter into a few pieces. He grabbed a bunch of snow and went after John, throwing it at him.

"THAT ISN'T A SNOWBALL, DUMDUM!" John snickered, beginning to slow down his pace a bit. "You need to actually ball up the snow so it's like a tennis ball or something- here. I'll show you."

Laurens knelled down, beginning to ball up the snow before handing one to Alexander. "See?"

Alex blinked once or twice before proceeding to throw the snow in John's face, the just began to cover the other male with snow to the point where his lower half was missing.

"Hey—! Alex, cut it out!" John except before having most of his face covered by snow except for his mouth and nose.

"Alex, I swear to God-" John mumbled, sitting up.

By this point, Alexander had gone back inside and left the door unlocked.

John brushed himself off, shivering by now. He began to grind his teeth together slightly, trudging his way inside to find Alexander sipping on a hot cut of hot chocolate.

"Bitch, excuse you?" John raised an eyebrow.

"Oops, Sorry, Johnny. Want some? I have a cup for you in the kitchen that I was gonna drink if you didn't get in here quicker." Alexander snorted, just taking another sip of cocoa.

He was watching some cartoons. But not like, normal cartoons. More like Our Cartoon President.

"Hey, Lex, weren't we supposed to do the driveway or sidewalk or shovel or something?"

"I left a shovel for you outside." Alexander hummed, a smug look on his face.

"You fucking—" John was close to strangling the other, when he remembered the hot chocolate. Also, he didn't have that kind of time at all.

Laurens sweetly put his middle finger up to Alexander. It was their 'gesture' of friendship.

"Aww, Fuck you too." Alexander giggled, doing the same.

It was a complicated relationship.

But they didn't care.

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