Tomorrow There'll Be More Of Us »•Angst-Warning•«

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You have been warned

"Hey, Alexander? I think that was your phone ringing." Eliza hummed, picking up Alexander's extremely old iPhone and opening up the voicemail that had been left behind.

The message she heard almost make her drop the device.

"Alex— ALEX!" She yelled, sprinting off to find her best friend, who had been in his room, typing up an essay for English for nearly the whole entire day.

"Mm? What?" Alexander looked up.

"There's a voicemail for you from South Carolina." Liza whispered.

"Ah. Must be from John." Alex smiled, slowly closing his laptop.

"'s not... It's from his father." The smaller female whispered, putting the phone down on the desk.

"....Can you play it...?" Alexander whispered, his expression almost immediately changing. John's father didn't exactly like him enough to call, so it must've been serious.

Eliza nodded and pressed the tiny triangle on the screen, watching as the tiny dot began to run across the line.

"I'm afraid to inform you that my son, John, has recently passed away. We are still getting more information in the subject but... we confirm that it was a suicide. There was an gun in my house for protection, but my son decided to use it on himself, wanting death instead of life..." There, the voice paused.

It was obvious that John's father was affected by this as much as everyone else although the two had a mutual hating for each other. All the yelling, screaming, fighting.

The outside may be tough, but there's always love in someone, no matter how far down it may be. This was the case of Henry and John Laurens. They were too scared to admit that they admired each other a bit.

Or maybe they simply didnt know how to appreciate things until they were gone.

"His funeral will be held this Saturday at three... I'm very sorry." The voice had cut of.

In fact, the man sounded as if he were going to cry.

Alexander slowly put his head down, beginning to cry and sob, only to be comforted by a strangely calm Elizabeth,

"There, There... Shh... Alexander, are you alright...?" She asked quietly, closing off the messages and kneeling down beside the taller man.

No response. Nothing.

"Alex, I can't help you unless you tell me what's w—"

Suddenly, the dark haired man stood up and stormed out of his room, having had enough. It was bad enough that he was stressed.

He swiftly locked himself into the apartment's bathroom, rummaging through the cabinets and drawers to find all the pills they had in the house.

No one understood that he loved John. Not Eliza, not Angelica, John. He had brought joy into his life after the hurricane, making him almost forget the trauma. He didn't know what to do anymore.

He got some water to wash it all down and started at himself in the mirror one last time. Maybe Heaven would be better.

Alex opened all the bottles and began to take six at a time, nearing 36...72....108, but he kept going. When he became too tired to take anymore and collapsed on the floor, his eyes closing. A soft smile came to his face.

He would be alright since he would be with John.

The only thing heard minutes later were screams of a certain lady knocking the door down and the sounds of an ambulance.

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