23: Power.

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The ship rattled and shook the two of them as they steadily made landing inside the Finalizer. They remained in the bridge portion of the ship, considering it was only them and the pilot remaining. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, while slowly slipping on the thick fabric of his tunic. 

"Are you alright?" He asked, breaking the comfortable silence between them. Normally, in a situation like the one they've found themselves in, it would be awkward. But Avatra's mind was elsewhere, thinking about so many things she could hardly stay focused on one. 

"I'm fine...Just thinking." She replied softly, tilting her head up at give him a small smile. Kylo considered her a moment, his deep eyes trailing over the curvature of her jaw up to meet her gaze. 

"You can tell me, you know." He finally said, turning to give her his full attention. Her stomach did a little flip at that, a small smile threatening at her lips. 

"I...Yes. I could." 

"I would say we're a little beyond the line I've attempted to draw. You don't need to keep your thoughts to yourself. I am...more than willing to listen." He finished. Avatra had to avert her gaze, finding them drawn to the mask that sat beside her. Despite everything she had been through with this man before her, she felt shy, and timid. It was like meeting an entirely new person, and she supposed, she was. 

"You're going to need this, right?" She spoke up, reaching toward the helmet. She picked it up, finding it much lighter than she had anticipated. She studied it a moment longer, turning it over in her hands. The blacks of the mask stared back at her, and she remembered the first time she had seen it.

"And to think, I loathed you in the beginning. This mask just a piece of metal that I had grown to hate...I think I actually like it." She commented, before turning and stretching her arms out to him. He reached for it, taking it from her hands gently. 

"I still cannot understand how you've managed to gain these feelings toward me." He admitted, turning the mask over and staring at the face. "Although, I'm not complaining. It will just make things...Complicated." He finished, his eyes darting to hers. She pursed her lips, nodding in agreement. 

"I know." 

They went their separate ways after stepping off the Upsilon

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They went their separate ways after stepping off the Upsilon. 

She was met with her usual guard, ready to guide her back to her room. Kylo made his way through the Starkiller, gradually finding the enormous room where Snoke awaited his briefing. 

Despite the fact that Snoke was not on the Finalizer, he could still feel the emotions that radiated from the Knight. Kylo inhaled deeply, pushing all of his thoughts away, hiding them deep down in his chest. For he knew, if Snoke found out about the two of them, he would consider her a weakness. He would demand her death. 

Avatra stepped into her cold, lonely room with only her thoughts as her company. 

The first thing she did was slip off her boots, then her shirt, followed by her form fitting pants. Her under garments found their way to the cool metal floor as well, leaving her in nothing. Her feet padded across the room in slow movements, before stopping in the middle of the space. 

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