02. Disappointed Father

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      For an angel, a ranking was the equivalent to being on the honor roll. Every judgement was made off of your ranking, wether people thought you were sweet and welcoming, or if they thought you were repulsive and irritable. Those who ranked high were highly respected, they were people the "big guy" bothered to learn the names of. Others were just average, most likely mistaken as Becky or John to passing people.

      Orion, having been raised by Mr.Baxter, never felt the need to earn the respect of those around her. She's someone who automatically had that respect, even when she was a toddler clinging onto the neck of Mr.Baxter, people nodded their heads to her as they passed. In a way, it restrained her from being normal like everyone else, but it also paved her way to success.

      So you could imagine her horror when someone didn't automatically respect her as she would them. "Sorry?" She blinked rapidly, her eyebrows raising in surprise. She had been summoned to the home of her newest task, Tom. Assuming it was for help with something quick like furniture shopping, or finding the closest gym, she didn't hesitate to rush over to the home. She was left disappointed when he asked her of the ranking system his tablet had mentioned, before mentioning what he would rank her. "A what?"

      Tom looked up from the tablet he held, unsure of why the girl seemed surprise by his statement. Since his arrival, he refrained from summoning the girl for her help, all because of her hostile greeting. He'd taken the time to read up on what he could find about the "angels" of the world, and everything she'd done was against the words written down. "A five," He repeated, setting the tablet down on his table. "Is that an issue?"

      The look on Orion's face was enough to confirm that yes, it was an issue. She's dealt with over three hundred people, some rude and some kind. Yet every person, she's managed to win over with a charming smile and friendly attitude. A five out of ten was an insult to a person at her status. "Yes!" She cried out, rushing forward to join him at the table. Tom watched with raised eyebrows as she yanked the chair back, plopping herself onto it. "I read the rundown, I introduced you to my friends, I even–"

      "Greeted me with a scowl and immediate judgement?" He interjected, and Orion was instantly silenced. He scoffed, setting the tablet aside while she avoided his gaze. "Look, I didn't send your evaluation yet. Give me a good reason for your hostility and I'll consider upping your five."

      Orion stared at him blankly, a good reason? Did he think she just chose him of all people to hate for no reason? She was an angel for crying out loud! She was what would be considered one of the nicest people in the world, and yet here he was, a pretentious actor, daring to question the essence of her being. Orion had never felt true anger, but at that moment, she'd imagine that's what it felt like.

Heaven ── TOM HOLLANDWhere stories live. Discover now